"Are You Serious?"

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At Polis. 

 Bellamy walked over to me.

Me "Echo, huh? are you serious?"

Bellamy sighed "Mel, listen-"

Me "What is she doing here?"

Bellamy " I know you two have history, but Echo is on our side. She proved herself dozens of times on the ring."

I shook my head "wasn't she the one who fooled you to be on our side while leading you to Polis while she and her little friends blew up Mount Weather? "

Bellamy didn't say anything. 

Me "Octavia banished this murderer from the bunker six years ago. Her judgement still stands. "

Bellamy "and you are taking her side?"

I nodded "yes. Because i am not letting my feelings fool my action, unlike you, Bell."

He shook his head "i am not"

Me "so you love her? huh? that's why you are on her side? "

He didn't say anything. 

Me "you not answering is pretty much answering. Your little girlfriend has 24 hours. If she's still here by then, she fights in the arena."

Bellamy shook his head "you can't be serious. Does Octavia know about you making threats?"

I asked amused  "does she know? Bell, it was her idea"

Then i walked away. 

Bellamy followed me, angrily "Melissa! Stop. It was six years ago. You just can't cast her out. She won't survive."

I turned to him  "not my fucking problem, Bellamy!"

Suddenly a horn blew. 

We saw a ship coming our way. 

Octavia walked to us " Diyoza's ship."

People started to move to the bunker. 

Me " Bellamy, get in the bunker"

He shook his head "Not without Echo."

Bellamy ran away. 

Parachutes with supplies fell from the aircraft overhead.

Diyoza over a loudspeaker "People of Wonkru, this is Colonel Diyoza offering you a chance for peace. I know you all suffered, I know you're hungry, and so many of you are weary of Octavia's rule, but now you have a choice. Abandon your weapons, leave Wonkru behind, and join us in Shallow Valley. We have plenty of food and shelter for those seeking a better life."

Echo" She's recruiting."

Diyoza loudspeaker "When our ship returns tonight, head for the wastelands. Anyone waiting for us outside the ruins will be rescued. But come unarmed. If Octavia attacks our ship, we will retaliate against your city with lethal force. We're watching everything, always."

Octavia stroke down one of the speakers.

Diyoza, over another speaker "There is a place in the valley for all of us, so please chose wisely."

In the bunker. in a room. 

Octavia " That might be Diyoza's voice, but those are Kane's words."

I looked down. 

Miller" He knows where we're vulnurable and he's sharing it with the enemy."

Kara" We need to assume others will be willing to do the same. In the arena, Kane openly defied you to stir dissent, and dissent spreads like any virus."

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