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At the temple.

Dad rushed over to the hatch and tried to open it. it was useless since you can only open it from the inside.

Gaia shook her head " No, no. Keep everyone out."

Me "It's locked."

Gaia looked at the guards "Are they all dead?"

Octavia shook her head "No. They used gas like the mountain men."

Dad ""How could they do this?

Indra "Skaikru have betrayed us all"

Why does that not surprise me?

I said into the radio "can anyone hear me? This is Melissa. can anyone hear me, Damn it?"

Bellamy "Mel. it's me. You ok? what about O?"

Me "i'm pissed off and your sister is alive. She won. Bell, what the hell did you do?"

Bell "It wasn't me. But I'll fix it."

Indra "We don't have much time."

O "Listen to me. When I won, I decided to share the bunker with everyone. A hundred from each clan. Kane is out there buying us time, helping them select their people, and Gaia somehow convinced the scouts to lock down the temple. But if anybody finds out that Skaikru stole the bunker,...we're all dead."

Bellamy" Copy that. I'm on my way. O, I'm gonna need some time."

O "Wait. What? Bellamy, they don't have t...Bellamy?"



Indra " They've made their choice, Octavia. We have to find another way in. "

O shook her head "There is no other way. This one stayed hidden for 100 years."

Indra "Then we should break it open. "

Octavia "Then it won't protect anyone. Bellamy will find a way.

Indra "The black rain is keeping the clans at bay for now. But when it stops and they find out what your people did..."

O "They stole the bunker. They're not my people anymore."

Echo showed up " I wondered why Kane was stalling."

Indra went to attack Echo.

 O "Indra, no."

Indra stepped back.

Echo "Skaikru dishonors us all yet again. When the people find out, you'll pay for this in blood."

I shook my head "Skaikru wasn't the only clan that showed dishonor at the conclave, was it? I know you were disguised as a warrior on the battlefield, and I know Roan caught you."

O "I even know that he banished you for it."

Indra "Is this true?"

O "If the scouts check the blue cliff warrior's body, they'll find Azgeda arrows. "

Indra "And Roan did not have a bow. Azgeda broke the rules. They should not

have a place in this bunker."

O "Wonkru, indra. I will not banish an entire clan because of one person's sins."'

Echo "What do you want?

O "Only for you to honor your king by joining me. If you do, when Bellamy opens that door, my decision will stand. Azgeda will survive praimfaya."

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