1.21 It's You

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It was morning. We all were outside doing work. People were starting  to feel better and that's what's important. 

Monty and Jasper had left to go after Raven who had taken off with the bomb. 

They weren't back yet and people were starting to get worried. 

Suddenly we heard Miller yelled "It's them, they're back. Open the gate"

We all cheered and clapped.

 I saw Clarke's face dropping when she saw Finn and Raven together.

Poor girl. 


We were in the little fire cabin. We had build it for the meat to preserve it.

Octavia"you don't want the fire too big. knock it down with some wet leaves"

James "you get that from your boyfriend, Grounder pounder?"

I turned around to him and raised an eyebrow  "come again?"

He looked at me and then down. 

I nodded "That's what i thought"

Murphy "she's right. "

James "you can't take the heat, get out of the smokehouse. Should be kissing our asses for being back in this camp"

I turned to him "okay, enough!"

Then i walked to him, grabbed him by his collar and threw him out of the house.

He was on the ground, looking at me shocked "what the hell, Melissa!"

Me "You should be kissing my ass for being for being allowed into this cabin, James"

Then i walked back inside. 

Murphy asked Octavia "Your brother couldn't get you a better job? Would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace. "

Octavia "Oh, probably. That just means someone else would have to do it"

Suddenly the whole cabin caught fire. 

Octavia and Murphy ran out. I couldn't see the door through the flames. 

I started to cough. I felt a hand grab my wrist and pulled me out. 

I couldn't stop coughing.

Bellamy asked worried "you okay?"

I nodded, coughing. 

He looked at Octavia "You okay, O?"

She nodded.

Murphy then snapped. He came at the James.

John "This is all your fault. We told you it was too much wood"

James pushed him off "get the hell away from me"

Murphy punched him.

Bellamy let go of me and got them off each other "Hey, stop! Save it for the grounders"

Octavia "Bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food"

We all watched it burn down.


The guys had went hunting but when they came back Clarke, Myles and Finn were missing. 

It was kinda weird between me and Bellamy since he told me he loved me. I don't know if he only told me that because of the sickness that he was hallucinating. 

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