Octavia For The Win

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i walked to Octavia who was on her way out "O"

She looked at me.

I hugged her "good luck"

She nodded and hugged me back before walking out.

Bellamy looked at me "You really think she has a chance?"

Me "Bellamy, she's the only we have that is capable to fight Grounders like a Grounder"

Bellamy shook his head "that's not answer"

Me "i have hope in her"

We walked out.

Octavia walked to Gaia.

Gaia put a necklace on around Octavia's neck " Octavia kom skaikru, step forward. Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion."

Octavia moved to stand next to Roan.

Gaia "Ilian kom trishanakru."

Ilian walked to Gaia.

Gaia put a necklace around him "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion."

Ilian moved to stand next to Octavia.

Gaia"...Conclave, a battle to the death within the walls of polis. These warriors will fight until only one remains. When that warrior collects all of the sigils from the fallen and delivers them to me, they will be declared the Victor.This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of bekka pramheda, and which clans are meant to perish in praimfaya."

Suddenly Luna showed up.

My jaw dropped.

Luna walked on the stage and to Gaia " I'm Luna kom flokru, and I'm the last of my clan."

Gaia nodded "We know who you are-- the natblida who ran from her conclave."

Luna shook her head "I'm not running from this one."

Gaia grabbed a necklace and put it on Luna' neck " Accept this sigil, Luna kom flokru, but with your clan gone, who will you fight for? "

Luna "I fight for no one. I fight for death. When I win... No one will be saved."

My jaw dropped.


Gaia "Skaikru! three advisors to the worgeda. The rest of you, report to your designated safe zone. Now. Come on."

Dad "We have to get her ready."

Jaha "This conversation isn't over. The death wave will be here within 3 days, and here we are, risking the fate of our people on a blood sport? "

Clarke "The fate of all people.You heard Luna."

Dad "She's just one of 13."

Clarke shook her head "You're wrong. She's a nightblood novitiate, which means she trained in combat exactly like this."

Bell "You want us to cheat?"

Dad "You know the rules. If we break them, we lose, and if we lose, we die."

Jaha "The rules are not the problem, Marcus. The game is. Even if we stop Luna,even if Octavia finds a way to win, does anyone truly believe that the Grounders will accept skaikru as the lone survivors?"

Dad nodded "Yes. The conclave is sacred. They'll honor the winner. Like it or not, we're all grounders now. You get our people to the safe zone. We'll have Octavia ready for the fight. The rest is--the rest is up to her."

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