1.35 The Offer

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Clarke and i were making our way to the Grounder camp. 

two Grounders were following us.

Clarke and i stopped in front of a tent. A grounder was standing by the entrance.

Grounder "if you so much as look at her the wrong way, i will slit your throats"

Clarke and i went to walk inside but he stopped us again "one of you"

I looked at Clarke.

Clarke "You go"

I took a deep breath, nodded and walked inside.

A few others Grounders were standing there. There was sitting a girl, in my age, on a throne and playing with a knife.

Girl "You're the one who burned 300 of my warriors alive. "

Me "You're then one who sent them to kill us"

Commander "do you have an answer for me, Melissa of the Sky people?"

Me "i'm here to make you an offer"

Commander shook her head "This is not a negotiation"

The woman standing next to her "Teik ai frag em op en ge disha odon kom"

I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on the Commander "i can help you against the Mountain Men"

The Commander nodded "go on"

Me "Hundreds of your people are trapped inside Mount Weather. Kept in cages. Their blood is used as medicine"

Commander asked tensed  "how do you know this?"

Me "i didn't come here alone. Clarke is outside. she can agree on this"

Commander looked at the guy at the entrance "Let her inside"

He nodded and Clarke walked inside.

Commander "how do you know about my people in that Mountain?"

Clarke "Because i saw them"

Me "My people are prisoners there too. "

Clarke nodded "i was one of them"

The woman next to her "Lies. No one escapes the Mountain"

Clarke nodded  "i did. With Anya. We fought our way out together"

Woman "another lie. Anya died in the fire. You killed her"

Me "She jumped into the ship just in time"

Clarke then tried to take something out of her pocket but then we heard the sounds of swords. 

She took a strand of hair out and showed it to the Commander "She told me you were her second. I'm sure she'd want you to have it"

She walked to the throne and gave it to the Commander. 

Then she walked back to me.

Woman "we don't know it's hers"

Commander "Shof op, Indra. Anya was my mentor, before i was called to lead my people. "

She put the hair to the side "Did she die well?"

Clarke nodded"Yes. By my side, trying to get a message to you"

Commander "What message?"

Me "The only way to save both our people is if we join together. "

Woman "Those who are about to die will say anything"

Commander "i'm still waiting for an offer, Melissa"

Me "The Mountain Men are turning your people into Reapers"

Clarke nodded "i can turn them back"

Woman "impossible. Heda, o beg yu teik ai frag em op"

Clarke "i've done it with Lincoln"

Woman walked to us "That traitor is the reason-"

Commander yelled  "Indra!"

Indra "...my village was slaughtered by your people"

The Commander stood up "Pleni!"

Indra froze and walked out.

The Commander walked closer to us "you say you can turn Reapers back into men?"

Clarke nodded "yes"

Commander "Then prove it. Show me Lincoln"


We were making our way to the drop ship. The Commander and a few other grounders were following us.

We walked inside the broken walls. I bet they were looking at the burned corpses.

We stopped in front of the open door.

I turned around to the Commander "this way"

The Commander, Clarke and i walked inside. I climbed up the ladder and saw Octavia crying on the ground.

The Commander saw Lincoln's body. Then Indra came up and saw him.

Bellamy slowly reached for the ground.

Indra "I'll Kill them all"

Bellamy aimed the gun at Indra who was aiming her sword at me.

I shook my head "You don't have to do this. "

Commander "you lied"

I looked at her "He was alive when we left to talk to you"

Commander "and you're out of time"

Abby then hit Lincoln with the electric stab.

Lincoln started to breath again.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

Octavia "Lincoln."

Lincoln said raspy "Octavia"

I breathed out relieved.

Everybody took the weapons down.

I nodded at the Commander.

Back at camp grounder.

Commander "Lincoln's recovering was..impressive. No one's ever survived such a fate before. "

Clarke "it's not complicated, really. We just have to keep them alive long enough for the drug to leave their system. I know we can do the same for others"

Me "But only if we are in peace"

Commander "you may have your truce"

Clarke nodded "thank you"

I nodded "Thank you, Commander"

Commander "i just need one thing in return"

Me "Anything"

Commander "Deliver me the one you call Finn. Our truce begins...with his death"

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