1.34 From Reaper To Grounder

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At the dropship.

We had brought Lincoln to the drop ship.

Bellamy had left to go get Clarke.

Octavia and i chained Lincoln on the walls.

I sat back and looked at Octavia.

Octavia asked confused "Who would do something like that to him?"

Then she sat down next to me.

I growled "Mount Weather"

She looked at me.

I looked at her "think about it. Why would Grounders turn their own people into Reapers. Mount Weather hates Grounders. Wouldn't surprise me if Reapers are their little bitches"

She nodded "I respect you, Melissa "

I raised an eyebrow, confused "huh?"

Octavia "You just could've let it all go. The Ark is down now which makes the prisoners in the Mountain no longer your responsibility. You could've just let them take over everything but you didn't"

I looked at her "This is our family in that Mountain. I'm always going to be their leader. No matter what. "

She nodded " My best friend and my big brother. Shocker"

I asked worried "Are you even ok with this? Because i'm not gonna continue with Bellamy if you aren't"

Octavia put an arm around me "You have my blessing, Melissa."

I smiled "Thank you"

Lincoln started to groan.

I looked at him "Sleeping beauty is awake"

Then I stood up and walked to him "Linc?"

He growled at me and tried to come at me.

I heard Clarke and Bellamy behind me.

Clarke looked around and sighed"i can't believe we're back here again"

Octavia "Can you help him?"

Lincoln screamed. I took a few steps back.

Clarke shrugged "i don't know. I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers. I had no idea they were creating them. "

Bellamy "if they do that to Lincoln...what are they doing to our friends?"

Lincoln was trying to free himself. His eyes were blood-red.

Suddenly he stopped. He began to shake.

Like he had an attack or something.

Clarke "he's convulsing"

Octavia "so, what does it mean?"

Clarke raised an eyebrow "what happened to his leg?"

Octavia "Mel shot him"

She looked hurt about that fact but i had no choice.

I nodded "Yeah, that one's on me"

Bellamy "he lost a lot of blood"

Clarke took a few steps to Linc but he growled at her and she took a few steps back "Can you shine the light on his neck?"

I grabbed a flashlight and pointed it at his neck.

Lincoln closed his eyes. The bright light was causing him trouble.

Clarke "Needle marks"

I raised an eyebrow "drugs?"

Clarke nodded "Maybe"

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