1.19 Murphy And The Virus

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Next day.

Some of us were at the mountains where the Exodus ship landed. It was completely crashed. We were all looking around looking for stuff that could be useful to us.

I was going to touch a rocket because there was purple liquid dropping out but Raven's yell stopped me. 

Raven yelled  "Mel, don't!"

I jerked back and looked at her. 

It started to stink.

I covered my nose and grimaced "Rocket fuel?"

She ran to me and kneeled down to look at it.

Raven "Hydrazine...Highly unstable in it's non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire,we're all pink mist "

She grabbed a stone and drenched with the liquid. 

Then she yelled "Fire in the hole!"

She threw the stone in the middle of the ruins.

It exploded.

Raven to Bell and Finn "We need to clear the area"

Bell nodded and called out "okay, then. We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot.! We got to get back before dark!"

I looked at Clarke. she wasn't feeling better than i was . Abby was supposed to be on that ship with my father.


We got back to camp and were sent straight to the drop ship. 

Guess who was there. Murphy!.

I looked at him. He had blood all over his face and he was shaking.

Bellamy starred at Murphy "Everyone but Conner and Derek out. Now!"

And they left.

Derek "he claims he was with the Grounders. "

Conner "we caught him trying to sneak back into camp"

Murphy shook his head "i wasn't sneaking. i was running from the Grounders"

Me "You look like shit, John"

Murphy coughed. 

Bellamy "anyone seen Grounders?"

They shook their heads.

Bellamy nodded "Well, in that case.."

He aimed the gun at Murphy. 

Finn shoved the gun down "what the hell is wrong with you?"

Bellamy "We were clear what would happened if he came back. "

He aimed again but Finn got in his way "No. If he was with the Grounders, then he knows things that can help up us"

Bellamy asked irritated "help us? We hung him. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way"

He aimed again but i put a hand on the gun.

Bellamy raised an eyebrow at me. 

Me "Finn's right."

I kneeled down next to Murphy "It was a mistake coming back, John"

Bellamy "Mel, think about Charlotte"

I looked at him "I am thinking, Bellamy. But what would you've done if she didn't die? Would you've brought her back to camp? were we just gonna pretend that nothing happened?"

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