1.36 "I'm Right And You Know That"

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Clarke and i made our way back to camp Ark. One grounder was riding in front of us and one behind us.

I heard Bellamy yell "Hold your fire! They're back"

They opened the gate. Clarke and i walked inside.

I walked to Bellamy and hugged him. 

He hugged me back "You okay?"

I nodded. 

Clarke yelled  "shut the gate!"

They closed the gate.

Clarke "Mel, come on"

I looked at her.

She grabbed Finn's arm "you can't be out here"

We walked to Abby. Clarke hugged her. Then it was my turn.

Abby "What did she say?"

I looked around. Everybody was looking at us.

Abby "is there a chance for a truce?"

I nodded "yes but she wants something"

Finn raised an eyebrow"and what?"

Clarke looked at him "they want you"

Me "The second he dies we have a truce"

Raven walked to us and asked confused "what the hell are you talking about?"

Me "You heard me"

Clarke "That's their offer"

Raven snapped, shaking her head  "That's not an offer. "

Finn "it's punishment. For what happened at the village. Blood for blood"

Me "It's either you or us"

Bellamy scoffed "that's insane"

Abby "and if we refuse?"

Me "We are as good as dead"

A Man shouted "So we give him up!"

Another "Get rid of him!"

Byrne "easy people"

Another guy walked to us "Give him to the Grounders!"

Raven pushed him away "Back off!"

Bellamy pushed him away. Clarke held Raven back.

Clarke "Listen, i'm not going to let anything happen to him. I promise, okay?"

She nodded.

Griff "I'm not dying for him. Spacewalker burned three months of oxygen from the Ark. He should've floated a long time ago!"

Me "We took our punishment when we were sent to earth to save all your asses!"

Griff "Throw him out!"

Raven pushed him "Back off!"

Byrne held her back "Raven!"

Raven punched her.

Two guards took Raven inside.

Raven "Let me go!"


Bellamy, Clarke and i were searching for Finn. We found him sitting against a metal wall next to Murphy who was holding a gun.

I raised an eyebrow at him "Who the hell gave you a gun?"

Murphy "We're really screwed"

Bellamy "We're reinforcing all our defenses. Doubles on the perimeter. No one's getting past that wire. "

Finn stood up "I'll see were they're thin"

Bellamy shook his head "No. You should head inside. B corridor will be easier to defend, if it comes to that"

Finn shook his head "i'm not gonna hide"

Clarke "Right now, we have to think about keeping you safe"

I looked at her "Right now, we have to think about keeping everybody safe"

Clarke "i'm gonna talk to Lincoln"

Bellamy to Finn "come on. Finn"

He, Clarke and Finn left.

I went to follow them but Murphy stopped me.

Murphy "any orders for me, Queen?"

I turned to him "Just stay away from me"

Murphy raised his hands in defense "Just trying to be helpful"

Me " Then why didn't you stop him?"

Murphy "You really think i just let him slaughter people-children without even trying to stop him?"

I snapped "you weren't trying hard enough, John"

Murphy came closer "Why didn't you stop him? "

Me "He disappeared with you two that night. How the hell was I supposed to stop him?"

Murphy "Fine. Then why didn't you come looking for us before you went to the Ark?"

Me "I thought Bell and Finn were dead. I thought you were dead, John. I thought all of you got caught by the fire. There was just no way for me to believe that any of you could still be breathing"

He nodded. 

I sighed and drove a hand through my hair. 

Murphy eyed me. 

l asked annoyed "What, Murphy?"

Murphy "I know what you are thinking. "

I raised an eyebrow "What am i thinking, John?"

John "That we should just hand him over. Get this over with"

I looked down. 

John "or am i wrong?"

I looked at him "He killed a whole village because he was obsessed with his thought that Clarke was held as prisoner there. He slaughtered them all, not even caring that children were involved. He deserves everything they do to him"

He looked down. 

Me "I'm right and you know that"

He looked at me and nodded. 

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