1.17 Unity Day

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Next day.

I woke up and looked around. I was in Bellamy's tent. 

Last night, i went to his place because i didn't want to be alone. 

We were only sleeping and nothing more.

I felt his arms around me. I was only in his shirt and he was shirtless. He was spooning me, pressing me against his chest-His very muscular and attractive chest. One of his arms was around my waist and pressing me against him and my head was lying on the biceps of his other arm.

I drove with my finger along the veins of his arm. 

Bellamy muttered into my neck "i like that feeling"

I rolled my eyes, smiling. 

Bellamy "How are you feeling?"

I sat up and turned to him. I crossed my legs. One of my legs was leaning against Bell's side and he dropped his arm on that leg.

Bellamy eyed me ,worried "Mel, talk to me?"

i took a deep breath "you mean after finding out the truth behind a 17 years old lie?"

He nodded. 

I drove a hand through my hair "I feel relieved"

Bellamy nodded "good"

I looked away, bitting my lip. 

Bellamy "something wrong?"

I sighed and drove a hand through his hair "Are we going to talk about yesterday?"

Bellamy asked confused "About what happened last night?"

I raised an eyebrow. 

Bellamy chuckled "or about our little moment at the bunker?"

I nodded.

Bellamy sat up and put a hand on my cheek "Before we talk about that i wanna say thank you for convincing me to stay"

I nodded and put my hand on the wrist of his hand that was on my cheek "You're welcome"

Bellamy smiled and leaned in and i did too.

Suddenly we heard a yell "Whoa! Monty strikes again! Come out,come out, Meli! and take a sip of this masterpiece!!"

I giggled "Jasper"

Bellamy wasn't amused at all. He sighed and let himself fall back onto the self made mattress. 

I rolled out of the bed and put my pants and shoes on.

I kept the shirt on and put my jacket on.

When i turned to Bellamy i saw him eying me up in down.

Me "you need anything?"

Bellamy shook his head "nah, I'm good"

I rolled my eyes and walked out "Jasper! Gimme some of that Unity Juice!"

He walked to me with a cup  "Anything for the Queen"

I grabbed the cup and took a sip of it, grimacing   "That's strong"

Then i looked around and saw Octavia sneaking out of the camp. 

I rolled my eyes. 


Everybody was drunk and having fun. Some of them were playing drinking games.

Bellamy was standing there, holding watch.

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