"He's not the one with the broken heart"

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A few days later. morning. The radio room. 

I walked inside " Well? Any word?"

Harper shook her head.

I sighed. 

Harper "Look, we knew it would take some time. We can count on Echo."

I shook my head " Wouldn't be the first time she betrayed us, Harper "

Monty "maybe you should start trusting her, Mel"

Me "Well, i am sorry, Monty. Not all of us had the chance the built trust with a rat while sharing a bed with her for six years "

Bellamy warned  "enough, Mel"

i shook my head "you don't get to tell me what to do, Bell. we're fighting for our lives here. Sacrifices have to be made. and to be honest, no one forced Echo make that that decision, there was always another option for her"

Bellamy scoffed "yeah, banishment."

Me "Still she chose against it. How many times have we prayed for a second option to appear every time our backs were against a wall? now, do me the favor, stop pouting and let me know when there's news"

Then i walked out. 


In a lab. 

Clarke, Bellamy and Monty found the worms in the lap. 

oh shit. 

Octavia "You wanted to see me?"

Indra "You knew about this."

Octavia nodded "Of course I knew about this. It was my idea. We're up against an army with superior firepower and every geographic advantage. This is how we overcome that."

Clarke "What happens when your secret weapon destroys the valley you're fighting for?"

Kara " I ran some tests. The worms can't survive in a green environment for more than a few days, long enough to kill everyone they come in contact with before we get there."

Bellamy asked confused "Are we really having this conversation? Our friends are there, people we love."

Octavia" Acceptable losses. Cooper, check on the worms. "

Cooper walked to the worms. 

Octavia "Come on, big brother. How many innocent lives have you sacrificed, or you, Wanheda? This is no different. You were just trying to save your people. So am I."

Kara walked back to us "You killed him."

Indra shook her head "No. You did."

Octavia raised an eyebrow ""Cooper?"

Kara " One of the defectors survived."

Bellamy" Looks like we found something that's not acceptable."

Kara"Blodreina I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but the results were remarkable. The worms reproduced 3 times faster in a live body, and we need quantity as well as control. I found that--"

Clarke shook her head " Octavia, you don't want to do this."

Octavia scoffed "Spare me, your hypocrisy, Clarke. Miller told me about the man that you irradiated in Becca's lab...and just how long did your test subject survive?"

Kara" Long enough for a defector to board their ship and fly to the valley."

Bellamy shook his head " Octavia, please, don't do this."

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