First Months In The Bunker

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A few months later.

We were in a council meeting.

Female Grounder " Cabor of Delphikru stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!"

Cabor'"A brazen lie!"

Female Grounder " There are witnesses; his guilt is not in question. By

Sangedakru law he should be stoned and his family cast out."

Dad " And on the ark, he would have been floated, but surely here, we can instill a justice system where the punishment fits the crime."

Female Grounder " The crime was against us; and our justice should prevail."

Octavia "So much for Wonkru."

Indra" Osleya is right. There are no separate clans here. You do well not to forget

The Female Grounder nodded " Alright. Then what punishment does Osleya impose?"

Octavia" For stealing blankets? Give them back. What's next?"

Suddenly we heard a loud noise from outside.

Dad "Shh. Quiet. Somebody's out there."


We weren't able to open the hatch. Apparently the tower had collapsed onto the hatch. We're trapped.

Abby "I take it you already know."

Jaha" Everybody knows."

Indra "Why is she here? She's not an engineer."

Jaha" Kara runs the hydroponic farm just like she did on the ark. You need to hear what she has to say."

Octavia "Here are the blueprints. Go ahead."

Jaha "I don't need the blueprints. I studied them well enough before taking this bunker for our people. You want to know if there's another way out. There isn't."

Dad "Well, this changes nothing. We can't survive outside for the next five years, anyway. That means we have 5 years to solve this problem. What would it take to cut around the hatch or break through an outer wall? You point me to a weak spot, I'll get you a team that can break through."

Jaha „You're not listening. Even if we could cut around the hatch, which we can't, I'm guessing that the tower collapsed above us, which means thousands of tons of rubble. As far as the outer wall, that's 12 inches of solid steel surrounded by bedrock. There are no vulnerabilities, and we don't have the equipment to exploit them if there were, not in 5 years, not in a hundred."

Kara "There's a more pressing issue. The hydrofarm's yield won't support us beyond those 5 years. Even if we replace the medicinal fields with food producers and rotate them for nutrient diversity, we'll eventually lead to a mass die-off."

Jaha „For the plants and for us."

Indra "Why are we just hearing of this now?"

Kara „Before now, I could manage it. When she allowed 1,200 people into this bunker, it was based on 5-year calculations."

Octavia raised an eyebrow "You're blaming me for this?"

Kara "You forced your own people out into that fire, and for what?"

Indra" Get her out of here."

Kara snapped "This bunker wasn't yours to give. "

Jaha "Cooper—"

Kara " Jaha found it. It belonged to us. You had no right. "

Dad „That's enough."

Kara walked out.

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