1.11 The Radio

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It was sleeping time for everyone. 

I couldn't sleep at all. 

Suddenly Octavia's head popped through my tent opening "Mel, get your ass out here. You have to see this"

I groaned and stood up. i was only in panties and a tank top but hey, i couldn't care less. 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. 

I groaned annoyed "O, take it down a notch"

Then she pointed at the sky "There!"

There was something flying to earth. Something from space. 

Then i saw Bellamy coming out of his tent. Shirtless. Not too bad.

Suddenly the parachute of that metal thing went up. It was another drop ship. 

Jones "They're coming to help us"

I looked at Bell who was looking at me. 

Suddenly two half naked bitches walked out of Bellamy's tent.

I raised an eyebrow at them. 

Oh really?

Jones cheered "now we can kick some Grounder ass. "

Some of them laughed.

One bitch "please tell me they brought down some shampoo"

I fake coughed "Bitch"

Octavia smirked at me. 

I looked at the girl "We've got other problems than shampoo, honey"

Bellamy smirked at my reaction to her before his face fell completely "we will wait till the sun is up. It's too dangerous to go in the dark"

Then he walked back into his tent.


I walked through the woods. It was still dark. Suddenly i heard something behind me. I spun around and put a knife against the person's throat. 

Bellamy raised his hand in defends "Whoa, calm down"

I put the knife away "What are you doing here?"

Bellamy "i was gonna ask you the same thing"

I rolled my eyes and started to walk again. 

Bellamy "Me saying to everybody to wait till the sun was up was an order. That goes for you too"

Me "Good that i don't have to listen to any of your orders, Bellamy"

Bellamy "Well, do!"

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow "excuse me?"

He took a deep breath "If we want this co-leadership to work then we can't just disobey each others orders. "

I shook my head "i am not disobeying you, Bellamy"

Bellamy nodded "you are, Melissa"

Me "Well, i am not the only one disobeying orders, am i?"

He raised an eyebrow. 

Me "If you can't even follow your own orders how do you expect orders to obey you? huh?"

He clenched his jaw. 

 I asked confused "What are you even doing out here, Bellamy?"

Bellamy "doing the same thing you're doing"

I shook my head "but not for the same reason, right?"

He looked down. 

Me "What are you going to do when you find that drop ship?"

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