1.12 "Is That Melissa?"

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We had gotten some of the 100 to search the river for the radio. The mood was tense. 

Raven found it and walked to us. The radio was soaked through. 

Clarke asked hopefully "Can you fix it?"

Raven shrugged "Maybe. Bit it'll take half a day just to dry out the components to see what's broken"

Bellamy "like i said, it's too late"

Clarke snapped at him "do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?"

Bellamy looked at me. 

She looked at me "Do you even care about your father?"

I raised an eyebrow, warningly  "Careful, Clarke"

Bellamy "You asked me to help. I helped"

Clarke "300 people are gonna die today because of you"

Raven "hold on"

We looked at her.

Raven " We don't have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know we're down here, right?"

Finn nodded and asked confused " Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?"

Raven smirked.


We had taken the whole mini ship apart to build rockets back at camp.

We all were standing there and watching as they went flying to the sky.

I stood a few feet in front of Bellamy and Clarke but i could hear them clear enough.

Clarke "Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?"

I could feel his eyes on me.

Bellamy " "i know what to wish for. What about you?"

I looked down, blushing a little. 

I heard yelling outside my tent. I walked out and saw Bellamy going nuts. People were grabbing weapons and were ready to leave.

I asked confused "Bellamy! What's going on?"

Bellamy "you seen O?"

I shook my head, confused "No. Why?"

Bellamy "We had a fight yesterday and she took off"

I nodded "I'm coming with you"

He shook his head "no, you stay here"

Me "But Be-"

Bellamy "if you go out there with us, i won't be able to concentrate on finding my sister, Mel. I can't worry about yo too"

I sighed, nodding. 

Bell "if anything happens out there, they'll need you"

I nodded  "stay safe"

He nodded and then he and the search party left. 


The sun was already up but they weren't back yet. I was starting to get worried. I decided to go out and search for her myself. 

I took a mini axe and walked out of the camp. 

then I heard a scream and ran to the direction. 

Suddenly i came across a Grounder. I stopped and stepped back. Oh boy. 

He had a knife in his hand. He threw the knife in my direction but another knife came from the side and shoved the knife off his path.

 I took a deep breath and ran away. 

When i looked back and the Grounder was gone. I tripped backwards  and fell to the ground. 

The Grounder suddenly was over me with his knife. I crawled backwards but my back hit a tree.

I am dead. 

 Before he could get to me another Grounder came and pushed him away from me. They got into a fight. The Grounder who had come after me was on the ground and getting beat up by the other one. 

The Ground who came to safe me killed my attacker.

I stood up. 

He looked at me and i ran. I ran like hell.

 Thing is, i couldn't find my way back to camp.


I was lost in the woods and guess what, it had started to rain. A storm was coming. 

I whined  "Great"

Suddenly I could hear voices. 

I followed the source of the voices and saw the walls of the camp. 

They were about to close the door of the drop ship. 

I yelled and ran to the door  "Hold on!"

Then I could hear them calling my name. 

I ran inside and they closed the door. 

Clarke came to me and asked worried  "you okay?"

I nodded.

Suddenly i heard a voice over the radio "Is that Melissa ?"

My face went blank. 

It was dad.

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