1.42 "You Better Start Running"

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Me "I'm not imagine his voice because i miss him, am i?"

Raven turned to the radio "holy crap"

Bellamy " "Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather.-"

Raven took the radio and gave it to Clarke.

Clarke "Bellamy?"

Bellamy "Clarke?"

Clarke "are you alright?"

Bellamy "i'm fine. That's it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty everyone, they just locked them in the dorm. "

Clarke "but they're alive, all of them?"

Bellamy "i think so, for now. Maye says that they're already using their blood, ad things are gonna get ugly in here real fast. "

Clarke "Maya is with you?"

Bellamy "she helped me escape. If not for her, i'd be dead. And, Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. please tell me we have one"

Clarke "i hear you, but we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven's gonna help you "

Bellamy "Got it. What else?"

Clarke "you have to figure out a way to free the grounder prisoners. There's a whole army inside that mountain, and they don't even realize it. "

Bellamy "Trojan horse. Good plan"

Clarke "what does Maya think? is it doable?"

Bellamy "she says it's not a problem. Look, if i'm gonna pull this off, i need you to buy me some time. It won't be long before they realize i don't belong here, and if that happens-"

Clarke "That can't happen. Mel and i will come up with something"

Bellamy "come up with it quick"

Clarke "Copy that, and, Bellamy.."

Bellamy "Yeah?"

Clarke "you came through. i knew you would"

Bellamy "Is Mel there?"

I walked to them and took the Radio from Clarke's hands.

Me "How are you holding up so far, handsome?"

Bellamy "good. Thank's to Maya"

Me "Tell her a "thank you" from me"

Bellamy "She says hi. How are you? How's O?"

Me "Well, i was worried sick about you. And your sister is, well, she's your sister"

Bellamy chuckled "You don't need to be worried about me, Mel"

I nodded "There could've gone so many things wrong, Bell, and there are still many things that could go wrong. "

Bellamy "Don't think that way. Just buy me some time"

I smirked "i already have an idea"

Bellamy chuckled "That's my girl."

Me "Tell them i'm alive, Bell. "

Bellamy "of course. I love you, baby"

I smiled "i love you, Bell"

Then I gave the radio to Raven and walked to the door.

Raven "Where are you going?"

Me" buying my boyfriend some time"

I walked out and to the south side airlock.

Cal stood up when he saw me.

I smiled "Today is your lucky day."

Octavia, Indra and some other grounders walked up behind me.

Me "Get dressed. We are going out"

He put his suit on and i opened the door.

We walked out of there and then out of the ark.

The people were wondering what was happening.

We made our way to the gate but dad and Abby stopped us.

Dad "Mel, what are you doing?"

Abby blocked my way "Mel, stop"

I shook my head "no. I am not sitting around like you and do nothing while our people are getting bleed out. I am doing something"

Abby shook her head "Absolutely not"

Dad "he hasn't told us anything yet"

Me "He doesn't have to. He's gonna tell them something"

Abby told the guard to put the prisoner back in the airlock.

They were going to do it but the grounders blocked their way.

i looked at Abby "You may be the Chancellor, but Clarke and i are in charge here. And she's with me on that"

Abby looked at Indra "Indra, tell your people to stand down before this gets out of hand. "

Indra "no"

Abby looked at me "people could get hurt"

Me "Some are already hurting. Now get out of my way. I know what i am doing, Abby. Trust me"

Dad looked at Abby "the Grounders trust Melissa and Clarke. Maybe we should ,too. "

Abby to the guards "stand down"

I walked passed them out of the gate.

Cal turned to me.

Me "i hope you can hear me clear. "

He nodded "loud and clear. "

Me "I have a message for your leader. We are coming for him. You are watching us but you aren't seeing us. The grounder army is bigger than you think, and even if you could find it,your acid fog can't hurt them, And tell him, that thanks to you, neither can the reapers. This is your last chance. Let our people go, and we'll let you live. It's that simple. "

Cal nodded "i got it"

I took his oxygen reader.

Cal"It's an 8 hour walk back to Mount Weather. "

I let some Oxygen out "You better make it there in 6"

Cal asked shocked "6 hours? That's not enough. how am i supposed to deliver your message?"

Me "You better start running"

He started to walk away. I turned to Octavia.

Octavia "Mel, you want to explain to me how this helps my brother? "

Me "Their focus us going to be on finding our secret army. They won't concentrate on the things inside. It makes things way easier for Bell. "

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