"The List"

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A few day later. 

Bellamy "Two meals a day for people working as hard as ours, we won't make any friends."

Clarke "Well, if there's one thing our people understand, it's rationing. Besides, once we close those doors, it'll be one meal a day for the next 5 years. "

Raven "Try one meal every other day. Hunting parties are coming back with less and less. Thanks to your friend Niylah, we're preserving more meat than ever, but it's still not enough. Without a way to make water, growing our own protein like we did on the Ark is not an option. Remember that when we're starving. "

Bell shook his head "I won't be starving because I won't be inside."

I scoffed "Like hell you won't"

Raven asked me surprised „Does that mean you made the list? " 

I shook my head „I haven't even started yet. What about drinking water? "

Raven "Mel, don't change the subject. We need to know who's gonna be on the inside of these doors when the radiation comes. "

I shook my head "We don't need to know now. "

Man on P.A.: We need some medical help at the front gate. Looks like we got some sick people there."

We rushed out. 

Grounders were standing in front of the gate.

 Me "Nyko. "

Clarke asked shocked "What happened to them?"

Nyko "The sickness. We lost more than 40 on the way."

Luna started to cough.

Bellamy "Luna?" 

Luna pleaded, weakly „Please don't turn us away because of what I did to you. "

Abby walked out to us.

Clarke "Mom, what is this? "

Abby "Fever, lesions, vomiting. It's ARS. "

Bell asked confused "What's ARS?"

Me " Acute radiation sickness. "

We looked at each other. 

 Abby looked at a little girl "When did the symptoms start?"

Luna shook her head " Not sure. Right before the fish started dying."

Raven " The fish are dying? "

Nyko nodded "Floating on the sea to the horizon in every direction. "

Abby"It's not contagious. Let's get them to medbay. Come on. Come on. "

They brought them in. 

Me "It's already here. "

At medbay. 

Bellamy and i walked into the medbay.

Luna was throwing up blood. yeah, i know that feeling. 

She looked at me "You think I deserve this for refusing the Flame?"

I nodded, shrugging "Kinda. But no one deserves to suffer. Besides, this would've happened anyway. "

 Luna "This is all that's left of my people. Can you save them? "

Clarke nodded "We'll do everything we can. You have my word. "

Then she looked at us "Tell me something good."

Me „Raven's looking for us. "

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