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Suddenly a bunch of adults showed up. 

Bellamy "Remember, we're in their home. Everyone keep calm."

Me "Weapons down."

Bellamy" Abby, stay with Murphy."

Me "Hey, It's okay. We're from Earth. We come in peace."

A woman asked the unknown woman "Kaylee, where have you been? Where's your family?"

Kaylee"They killed them."

Jordan shook his head " That's not good."

Abby looked at Murphy " No, not now, not now. He's seizing."

Clarke "Help us, please. Our friend's dying. He's not breathing."

A man walked to us "Move them back."

Abby" What are you doing? He'll die."

Man " You want my help or not? "

The man kneeled down to Murphy and lifted his shirt "He's already dead. Fortunately for him, death is not the end. Cillian...he was exposed to the seaweed during the red sun. Do it."

Cillian walked over to Murphy and kneeled down to him. 

Then he pulled out a snake. 

Man " We call it Kepa-She, means hideous snake in Chinese."

The snake bit into Murphy's side. 

Cillian "Trust me, I know, but the venom degrades too quickly to deliver it in any other form."

The black veins turned back to normal. .

Me " It's working."

Man "Amazing, Isn't it? Its curative properties were discovered during one of the earliest red suns. Poison made the demon Gabriel believe he could walk on water. The Kepa-She bit him, and the toxin from the seaweed had no effect."

Murphy breathed out. 

I breathed out relieved " He's breathing."

Man "Well done, Cillian. Now lock them up."

I froze " Wait. Where are you taking us?"

In a room. 

They had us locked into a room. 

Bellamy looked at Murphy " Why is he not waking up?"

Abby "He will."

Emori " I can't believe I did this to him."

Bellamy shook his head "Emori, you didn't. I did."

Octavia "Who cares? We need to get out of this place."

Bellamy turned to her "What are you even doing here?"

Octavia"I came to save your ass."

Bellamy scoffed and stood up. 

I stepped into his way "Bellamy, no, not now. If we're gonna fight our way out, we need her."

Clarke ""Mel, we're not fighting them. We need them to teach us how to survive down here."

Bellamy's eyes wandered to my neck. My neck was bruising and you could see the spot where he had rammed that syringe into my neck. 

I looked down .

Bellamy "i am sorry, Mel"

Clarke asked us confused "what happened?"

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