"I Will Not Be The Other Woman"

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Next day. morning. 

We walked out to he opening ceremony. 

Bellamy looked around " Murphy and Emori?"

Jordan" Went to guard the ship with the others."

Echo"Murphy missing a chance to act like a drunken fool? Now I'm worried."

Raven" He'll be fine. Maybe the rest of us should go there, too."

Jordan " What? No. I need this."

Me"We're guests of the primes. If we isolate ourselves on the ship, they may take offense."

Delilah"Jordan? Guys, come on."

Raven" I'll be at the bar."

Delilah" Come on! You don't want to miss first confession."

Russell"Welcome to Naming Day. Today we observe the 4 pillars of Sanctum. They are?"

Spectators" Repent, Renew, Rejoice, Rebirth."

Russell nodded "Correct. Rebirth. Rebirth! Today we mark the return of our beloved Priya..."

Spectators"Hallowed be her name."

Russell " Indeed. As we bequeath her name to our equally beloved Delilah. As is tradition with every Naming Day, I will begin the process of making amends. As your leader, it's my job to keep us safe during the red sun. Kaylee...I failed you in this when I realized you and your family didn't make it to Ryker's keep before the eclipse. I closed the door. I kept it open as long as I could until the life of everyone else was at risk. It was a decision with tragic consequences. I know the heartbreak you feel. I know your pain. I miss Josephine every day. And the fact that I'm the cause of this pain for you....thank you. And now it's your turn. Tell your neighbor that you love them. Make amends for those you've hurt. Free yourselves."


I walked over to Bellamy "Apparently, the lanterns float, taking your sins with them."

Bellamy nodded " Hmm. If only it were that easy."

Me "Maybe it is."

Bellamy "what did you write down?"

Me "taking Octavia's side when it came down to send Echo away"

He sighed "Mel,  stop. Let's not do this."

Me "i am sorry, Bellamy but i was protecting the people i care about"

Bellamy "I know what it's like to risk everything for one person."

I shook my head "you don't have to rub your relationship with her in my face, Bellamy, i can't handle that"

Bellamy "i wasn't talking about her"

I froze and looked at him. 

He looked at me "Mel-"

Me "Are you gonna try it?"

Bellamy shook his head "Too many sins. My lantern wouldn't float."

Me "Octavia?"

Bellamy" No more amends today."

I nodded. 


I froze when i heard Echo and Bellamy talking to each other. 

Echo "you love you, don't you?"

No answer. 

Echo "after all those years on the ring, you still love her"

Bellamy "i love you, Echo"

Echo "but are you in love with me?"

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