Empty Barrels

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We were able to stop the fire. But we 're dead.

Monty "Sectors, 3, 4, and 5 sustained the worst damage. We lost the server room, all of our processors, and life support systems, and half of our living quarters. Now, backup power will keep the lights on at night in the rooms that survived, but we'll have no heat or running water. And no way to restore it or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here."

Bellamy " Is there any good news?"

Dad " Well, no one died."

Me "Yet. Besides, "that's not really good news, dad. it just make the decision harder"

Clarke " Forget the Ark. It was never gonna save us all anyway. We need to focus our resources on the Nightblood solution. Is the fuel loaded?"

Bellamy nodded " It's in process, but, Clarke, it isn't gonna be an easy ride."

Clarke " What don't I know?"

Roan " With the secret of Praimfaya out, I sent Echo and my army back to Polis to keep the peace."

Clarke nodded "That's good. We need peace to distribute the cure.2

Roan " More than half of them deserted on the way. With the end coming, they want to be home. I don't blame them."

Bellamy "Do you blame them for burning Trikru villages as they go?"

Roan glared at him "That's funny coming from you."

Me "Enough. We know the woods are a war zone. After what happened with Ilian, I can't spare many of the guards to protect you."

Roan "My security detail can protect us."

I nodded " Thank you. That's very generous."

Roan nodded "We are all in this together now."

Bellamy "I'm gonna check on Octavia before we go."

Dad " Clarke, I'm going with you."

Clarke shook her head " You can't."

Dad " I'm the chancellor."

Clarke "That's why you can't. After everything that happened this morning, our people need you here, now more than ever. I know you're worried about my mother."

Dad " She's going into space... in a 100-year-old rocket. Do you have any idea how many things could go wrong?"

Clarke "Raven says the rocket's intact. She'd like a little more fuel, but as long as we get her what we've got, she said she'll get them both back down safely. Look, we have to try. I'll send her your love."

Dad nodded " Yes. Please do that. And I'll make sure there's something left to save... when you get home."


I walked into Octavia's room and stopped when i heard her talking to Bell.

Bell "Octavia, I thought you were dead.

Octavia "Octavia is dead. She died when you killed Lincoln."

Bellamy "Please don't say that, O. Hey, I'm your brother."

Octavia "Why do you think you're still alive?"

Bellamy froze and walked out of the room. 

Me "Bell"

He looked at me, hurt.

I wanna hug him now but..but I can't.

Me ""Roan wants me to come with him"

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