1.8 "I Killed Someone"

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It was night when we arrived at the camp. Clarke and Finn walked into the drop ship.

Bellamy said to a girl "Get Clarke whatever she needs"

Wells looked at Bellamy "I better go get this grave dug"

He nodded. 

Atom was covered on the ground in front of us. 

Octavia walked to us and saw the body on the ground. 

She made her way to the body. 

Bellamy blocked her way "Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back"

Octavia fought him "Stop"

Bellamy stepped back. 

Then she kneeled down to the body and took Atom's jacket off his face.

She put a hand on her mouth and gasped  "Atom"

Bellamy looked at me.

I cracked out "Oc-"

Bellamy cut me off "There was nothing i could do"

I looked at him surprised. 

Octavia shook her head, in tears  "Don't!"

She put the jacket back over his face.

Then she walked away and Bellamy let her.

I walked to Bellamy. 

Murphy walked to us. 

Bellamy looked at him "Lose anyone here?"

Even though he tried to play off the pain in his eyes i could see it.

Murphy shook his head "no"

Bellamy "Jasper?"

Murphy nodded, annoyed "Still breathing. Barely."

Then he looked at me.

 I looked down.

Murphy "What happened to you, Kitty?"

I didn't say anything. 

Murphy "Hey, why don't you give him the final shot? i mean, you didn't mind killing Atom"

I looked away and whipped the tears away. 

Bellamy looked at me and his whole face changed. 

I shook my head "Bell, don't-"

Bellamy walked up to Murphy and punched him across the face. 

Murphy fell on the ground. 

Bellamy bent down, grabbed him by his shirt collar and held him up, growling  "Show her some fucking respect, Murphy!"

Then he let go of him "If i ever hear you talking to her like that again, you'll go through worse pain than Jasper's going through, understood?"

Murphy looked at me and then back to Bellamy "understood "

I walked away and to the side of the drop ship. I put a hand on the wall to support myself. I was feeling dizzy.

a voice said behind me "Melissa ?"

I shook my head "leave me alone"

The person walked to me. 

I didn't look at him. 

He took my blood covered hand. I don't know why but i smiled a little. 

He then took a water bottle out and poured the water over my bloody hand. He rinsed the blood off. And then took the other hand and rinsed the blood off too. 

He threw the bottle away.

I cracked out " Bell?"

He looked at my hands "yeah?"

 I asked confused "why did you do it?"

He pretended to be confused "do what?"

I sighed "You know what i'm talking about "

He sighed softly  "She only needs to hate one of us"

Me "but you're her brother"

Bellamy "you're her best friend. "

I nodded but then i asked confused "Why did you treat Murphy like that?"

He put a hand on my cheek and made me looked at him "Because no one should talk to you like that. Not after everything you've been through"

Me "Bellamy, i killed someone today"

He looked at me. 

A tear rolled down my cheek and i cracked out  "I killed someone"

he hugged me, tightly "shh, hey. I'm here, it's okay"

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