1.26 Finding Them

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Days later.

I saw something big shiny in front of me. Then I heard voices.

I couldn't last any longer. I was weak, i haven't had anything to eat nor something to drink since the day before we started that war.

Someone was running my way.

I looked at the person and breathed out confused "Sinclair?"

He smiled at me "Hello, Melissa"

I hugged him. 

He hugged me back.

I broke the hug and looked at the Ark in front of me.

Sinclair "I'm gonna bring you in. You need to get checked out."

I nodded.

He put an arm around me to support me. Then we walked inside.

People were starting to look at me.

We walked into the Ark and to the medical.

I sat down on the bed.

Sinclair "i'll be right back "

I nodded and he walked out.

Abby walked inside.

I gave her a weak smile "hey"

Abby walked to me and hugged me "You're ok"

I nodded "yeah"

Abby looked at me "You need water"

then she yelled out of the open door "Jackson, get me some water!"

Jackson yelled back "on my way!"

He walked in with a cup of water and gave it to me.

I downed it. It felt so good.

Then I coughed out "Where's my father?"

Abby "outside"

I nodded and walked out of the door and through the all so hated metal walls.

I walked out of the Ark and could already hear him shout "Where is she?! where is my daughter?!"

I saw him  "Dad? Dad!"

He looked at me, shocked "Melissa "

 I ran to him and hugged him.

Then I cried into his neck  "I-I thought you died with the Exodus ship I-I-I"

Dad shook his head "I wasn't inside."

I broke down.

Dad hugged me tighter and whispered "It's ok. It's ok. We're here to help"


I was sitting on the couch. Believe it or not but my old apartment was still alive. Dad moved out though.

Abby and Dad were sitting on the chairs in front of me.

Me "What do you wanna know?"

I ate some cherries they had found. Don't worry, i had warned them about the crazy nuts.

Abby "Start from the beginning"

I drove a hand through my hair and took a deep breath  "You sent us down here in order to fine out if we could survive on earth. Of course, we came down here thinking we were the only ones. We all believed that. We were so wrong. The first two died during our landing. Then Clarke and some others made their way to Mount Weather like planned...Jasper got hit pretty hard by a Grounder. That's when we realized we weren't alone on this planet. Grounders somehow survived and they started to hate us. "

They nodded. 

Me "I tried my best to take the lead. We had to make decisions, rules. Then it hit Trina and her boyfriend. Atom, Wells, Charlotte. After Charlotte's death we banished Murphy but he always finds a way back. Dix, Roma, that bastard Dax. 14 more died throughout the virus Murphy gifted us with. Conner, Myles. 82 of us made it to the final battle with the Grounders. During the battle we saw the Ark crashing down."

Abbey "how many died during that battle?"

 I shrugged, shaking my head "i don't know. Maybe 20 or 30."

Dad asked confused "How did you win that battle?"

Me "the Rockets on the drop ship were still full of power. Raven made the rockets blast off. Roasting everyone who was around"

Dad "Where were you? You couldn't have been inside that ship when you're here now"

Me "I was looking for someone. People were already running into the ship but i couldn't find him. I couldn't leave him behind, couldn't let him die. So ran away from that ship. As far as way as possible. The ship went off creating a big ring of fire"

I looked at Abby "After it was over i made my way back to them. I stopped when i saw pink smoke. people in special suits carried the rest of my people away. I followed them"

Abby "Where?"

Me "Mount Weather. I saw it but I have a bad feeling about this Mountain"

Abby "Is Clarke..?"

I nodded "I saw her getting carried alongside the others into Mount Weather. "

Abby "What about Raven?"

I shook my head "i didn't see her with them. But last time i checked she was injured badly. We need to get them out of there"

Abby nodded "We are first going to check for survivors. "

I nodded "Check by the drop ship. I wanna go with you"

Abby shook her head "I can see that you haven't slept in days. You stay here. We'll do our best"

I sighed and looked at Dad. 

He gave me a look.

I nodded "fine"

Abby then nodded at dad and walked out.

Dad "I'm leaving with a search party and search for survivors"

I nodded. 

Dad sat down next to me on the sofa "Who is 'he'? You met someone down here?"

I felt a knot in my throat.

Dad asked worried "Melissa?"

A tears rolled my cheek and my voice broke "Bellamy"

Dad "Is he...?"

I nodded in tears.

Dad put an arm around my shoulders "You loved him. you wouldn't react like this if you wouldn't"

Me "I couldn't say it. I couldn't say it back"

I started to cry.

Dad drove his hand softly through my hair "Shh. Calm down, sweetheart. Get some rest. "

I felt my eyes going heavy and drifted off. 

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