1.58 Arcadia Has Fallen

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Night. At the cave.

We walked inside just to hear the radio go off.

I grabbed it "what?"

Jasper"It's Jasper, please tell me you're Melissa "

I nodded "yes, Jasper, it's me "

Jasper "Arkadia's not safe anymore. Those chips Jaha was giving people turned them into slaves. They were shooting at me. "

Me "are you save?"

Jasper "yes, i got Raven out with me and picked Clarke up on the way. Where are you guys?"

Me "Sinclair will send you the coordinates. Pick us up"

Jasper "i will. Be careful, i don't now if they are following me or not"

I nodded "okay"

Then i gave Sinclair the radio.

He gave Jasper the coordinates.

I looked at Monty and Harper "Monty,Harp, go outside and keep an eye out"

They nodded and walked outside.

Miller asked confused "what was he talking about?"

Me "Arcadia has fallen"

he looked down.

Me "Jaha tried to convince me to take one"

I could see Bellamy's head snapping in my direction.

Miller asked surprised "when?"

Me "after i broke up with Bellamy. He said he had something to make the pain go away."

He nodded " It's something about those chips"

Bryan "we'll know soon enough. Be ready"

Suddenly Octavia jumped up and went packed her stuff.

Me "O. wait. You can't just leave"

Octavia "watch me"

I sighed and walked to her "you heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia is not safe. "

Octavia looked at me "what Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead. "

Me "And then what? "

Bellamy "where you gonna go?"

She pointed at him "you don't get to ask me that"

I sighed.

Bellamy "What more do i have to do to prove that i'm on your side?"

Octavia spat out "bring Lincoln back. Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save Kat and me, not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong. "

Bellamy "the Grounders were stalling us out"

Octavia "Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us. "

Bellamy "That army could've attacked at any time, and you know it"

Octavia "but you didn't attack. You did that. You were hurting, and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences, Bell. People get hurt. People die, your people. Monroe's dead. Lincoln is dead"

Then she walked out.

Bellamy and i followed her outside.

I sighed.

Bellamy "They're here"

I turned to the side and saw the headlights.

Clarke got out of the car and looked at Bellamy shocked.

Jasper yelled "Need your help!"

Jasper ran to us with Raven in his arms "we have to get her inside before she wakes up"

Bellamy ran to him "Were you followed?"

Jasper "Maybe. I don't know"

Bellamy "give her here"

He carried her Inside.

I looked at Bryan "get to the Ridge. Radio if you spot anyone following. Harper, Miller, you'll stay here on watch"

They nodded and the others walked inside.

I looked at Octavia "O. Come on, we need you"

She looked at me.

Me "please"

i ran inside.

Bellamy put Raven down to the ground.

Sinclair "what the hell happened to her?"

Jasper "i told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are. "

Octavia walked inside and Bellamy looked at her surprised. She just glared at him and walked passed him to a stone and sat down.

Jasper "Jaha has been chipping everyone. "

Clarke nodded "Jasper's right. I've seen it with my own eyes. "

Jasper snapped at her "i don't need your help, right?"

Me "Jasper!we don't have the time for cat fights! Calm down and explain"

Jasper "Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing Alie, only she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to her it out of her head. I was trying to help her, but-"

Sinclair "okay. So let's help her now. Did she say how?"

Jasper "she was working on building something. She needed one of our old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them. "

Clarke "wait a second. "

She took out a little box and showed us a chip "Does it look like this?"

Jasper "not exactly"

Suddenly Raven jumped up and punched Sinclair in the face. Then she ran out.

We all followed her. Harper and Miller were trying to hold her still

Raven yelled "let me go!".

Jasper "if Raven finds out were we are, so will Ali. She'll come for her"

Suddenly Jasper injected her something, knocking her out.

Jasper "Reaper stick, last dose"

Clarke nodded "we have to go"

Bellamy asked confused "why? Alie doesn't know where we are. "

Clarke "Because i know where we can get a wristband"

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