1.32 "What Are We?"

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2 days later. Night.

I was sitting outside at a table next to Bellamy. 

Clarke was sitting in across from us.

Bellamy "Tell us again"

I took a sip of my drink. How i missed Alcohol.

Clarke "it's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel"

She had a map of Mount Weather and was showing us everything.

Clarke "It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in. "

I shrugged agreeing"Sure, if we can get past the reapers and the mountain men"

Bellamy looked at me , nodding   "Right but you're not going"

I nodded "of course i am going, Bellamy"

Bellamy shook his head "No, You're not"

Me "I am going, Bellamy, those are my people in that Mountain"

Bellamy grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

I smiled.

He looked at Clarke "i swear to god, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, i'm going by myself"

I shook my head "I don't like you going alone"

Bell looked at me softly "It's safer that way"

I shook my head "no, it's not and you know that"

He looked at our hands. 

Me " They'll let me in. I'll just show up on their door step. Injured, of course. If they need our blood then they'll have to keep me alive"

Bellamy turned his head and saw Murphy and Finn walking out of the Ark "Guess, the inquisition is over."

Me "How is Finn doing, anyway? Asked him if the massacre made fun?"

Clarke sighed, shaking her head  "i haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting. "

I nodded "Yeah, i was there"

Bellamy "We're at war, Clarke. We've all done things"

I shook my head "But there's also a line, Bellamy. He killed children. Innocent children"

He sighed.

Finn walked up to us "Hey."

I looked at Bellamy who looked at me.

Bell sighed "Hey. Next round's on us"

We stood up and walked away.

I don't know what we were but it felt right.

We felt right.

Me "You got a place to sleep?"

Bellamy raised an eyebrow and smirked "you offering?"

I smirked "Maybe"

Bellamy fake yawned "i'm really tired"

I giggled "oh really?"

Bellamy "really"

I grabbed his hand "then come with me"

Then lead him into the ark "Am i a bad person when i say i love seeing the Ark all fucked up ?"

He shook his head "I won't judge you"

We stood in front of my apartment.

Bell "Have you heard anything from your dad?"

I shook my head "and i don't want to"

Then I opened my door and we walked inside.

Bell looked around "nice place"

Me "It's better than your tent"

I looked at him. 

He chuckled.

I heard him closing the door.

Then I turned to him"What are we, Bell?"

Bellamy asked confused  "What do you mean?"

I looked down and played with my hands "What is this between us? Because i really want this to happen"

Bellamy smirked "What do you want to happen?"

He knew exactly what i was talking about.

Me "You and me. Us. I want us to happen"

Bellamy nodded "ok"

I raised an eyebrow ""ok"? You did not just say-"

I got cut off by his lips on mine.


I heard someone hammering against my door.

I groaned and rolled around. My head hit a chest. A bare one. Someone's arm pulled me closer.

Bellamy muttered "don't open the door"

I heard someone yell "Come on, Bell, i know you're in there. "

I groaned and whined "don't open the door"

Bellamy slowly sat up and drove his hands through his messy hair.

He said in a raspy voice "I have to, Baby. Or Octavia is going to have my head for not opening the door"

My jaw dropped.

That was hot. Really hot.

Bellamy got up of the bed and the cold air hit me like a train.

I whined"I'm cold"

Bellamy threw some clothes at me "Then put some clothes on"

He put his pants on.

I sat up and looked at him "I don't have any underwear on"

Bellamy smirked "Don't let me stop you"

I rolled my eyes.

Bellamy leaned against the door frame of the bedroom and smirked at me.

Me "Go open the door, you perv"

Bellamy "she can wait"

I groaned annoyed and stood up.

The blankets fell off my body. Bellamy's smirk grew bigger and he licked his lips.

I put underwear on and my clothes.

Then I looked at Bellamy "Show's over, perv. Go open the door."

He turned around and walked to the front door and opened it.

Bellamy "What do you need, sis?"

I walked behind Bellamy.

Octavia looked at her brother closer but when her eyes landed on me she started to smirk.

I blushed.

Octavia chuckled "you should fix your hair before you go out."

Bellamy raised an eyebrow confused "what are you talking about?"

Octavia looked closer at me "And you should probably cover that up"

I looked at her confused but she nodded at my neck.

Then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Bellamy chuckled.

I shoved him "Bastard"

He smirked.

Octavia smirked "She got you bad, bro"

I smirked as he realized what she meant. 

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