1.20 No Cure

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I turned to Clarke.

Suddenly a girl started coughing and then stopped.

I sighed "and the next one"

Then I looked at two guys "get her out of here"

They nodded and carried her out. Clarke and i were standing on the door.

Bellamy called out "alright, show's over. Go back to your posts"

He then looked at me "you have enough food in there? water?"

I smiled "We're fine but some medicine would be nice"

Bellamy smiled "i'll see what i can do"

Clarke and i turned around to go inside.

Bellamy called out "Octavia, you okay?!"

We stopped dead in tracks and turned around.

Clarke turned around and i nodded at her.

she nodded and walked back into the drop ship.

He took a few steps to us.

Me "She isn't here, Bellamy"

He raised an eyebrow "What?"

Me "Clarke sent her to see Lincoln. Look, if there's a cure, he has it"

Bellamy sighed "if anything happens to her you and me are gonna have problems"

Then he walked away.

I called after him "Bell! Bell!"

Suddenly a kid began to bleed through his eyes. Then a girl coughed and spit into another guys face. They all panicked and it was getting out of hand. 

Clarke walked out, shocked "what is going on!?"

I took the gun from Connor and fired into the air. 

They all looked at me.

Me "thank you for your attention"

Clarke "this is exactly what the Grounders want. Don't you see that?"

I took a few steps to them "We are doing their job by killing each other"

Suddenly a guy pointed his gun at me "They don't have to kill us if we catch the virus. Get back in the damn drop ship"

I raised an eyebrow.

Bellamy grabbed his gun and slammed it against the guy's jaw.

Me "thank you"

Bellamy "your quarantine isn't working"

Suddenly Clarke broke down. Finn caught her before she hit the ground.

Raven yelled "Finn, don't touch her!"

Clarke coughed "Let me go. I'm ok"

Finn shook his head  "no you're not"

Clarke "Octavia will come back with the cure"

Octavia walked into camp "there is no cure. But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill. "

Bellamy "oh really, tell that to them"

He pointed at the bodies.

Octavia sighed.

Bellamy "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again. "

Octavia "yeah, well, i have a warning for you too. The Grounders are coming. And their attacking at first light. "

She walked past Bellamy but Bell grabbed her forearm. She looked at him and ripped herself free.

Then she looked at Finn" Come on, i'll help you getting Clarke into the drop ship"

They walked in.

Bellamy to me "How are you feeling now?"

Me "My head hurts but i'm fine"

Bellamy went to come closer but i stepped back.

I shook my head "Can't have you get sick"

Then i walked back inside.

I heard Octavia say "the Virus won't last long"

Murphy nodded  "It's true. I feel better. "

I looked at him and walked back out.

Then I called out "Everybody listen up! There could be a chance that the sick ones are cured within a couple of hours. The virus doesn't last long"

i walked back inside.


I was sitting against the wall and looked around. I was tired.

 Suddenly someone walked inside. My jaw dropped. Bellamy. I stood up and walked to him.

Bellamy shook his head  "don't go near me, Mel"

Me "Shut up and sit down"

He sat down against the wall. I grabbed a water bottle.

I sat down next to him "Come here"

He laid down and put his head on my lap. 

I took a piece of cloth and cleaned his mouth. He had blood all over it. I opened the water bottle and let him take a sip.

I drove my fingers through his hair "Who's gonna shoot the bomb if you're here??"

Bellamy "Jasper"

I took a deep breath "oh boy"

Bellamy "i'm glad you're here"

I smiled "Where else should i be?. "

Bellamy said weakly "I kissed you because i care about you"

I raised an eyebrow, confused "What?"

Bellamy "at the bunker. When i kissed you...it wasn't because of the nuts..it was because i like you....i wanted to spent time with you before i left...maybe time could've changed my mind..."

I nodded, caught of guard "you get some rest"

He nodded and positioned himself to the side to get a better lying position.

I drove a hand through his hair. 

Bellamy muttered "I'm falling for you, Mel"

My eyes widened. 


He woke up and looked around. 

I smiled "Hey"

He sat up.

Me "Careful"

Bellamy looked at me.

Me "How are you feeling?"

Bellamy nodded "Better. Jasper?"

Me "Raven took the bomb"

Bellamy "oh boy"

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