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In Mel's mind space. 

Josephine had me locked in this cell for way too long now. I have no idea how long i was in here but there was no chance of escaping. 

Suddenly i saw my cell door opening. 

Me "what?"

I walked over to it and walked out. 

There was a light in front of me and darkness behind me. 

Suddenly i heard Bellamy's voice in my head "I'm not losing her again. Come on, Mel. Come on! Mel, Mel, I need you. I needs you."

Octavia "Bellamy... she's gone."

Bellamy "No, she's not! Wake up, Meli! Come on! Gah! I'm not letting you go."

Octavia "Bell-"

Bellamy yelled "i love her! okay! i can't lose her. Come on, Mel, i love you. Please, please, come back to me, i love you ! you hear me!"

I looed at the light before walking into the darkness. 

A few days later. in Gabriel's cabin. 

I sat up scared.

Bellamy put a hand on my cheek "hey hey hey, hey, Mel"

I looked around confused. 

Bellamy "You're save"

Octavia "did it work?"

I looked at her before looking at Bellamy. 

Bellamy raised an eyebrow.

My voice cracked "i need you too"

He breathed out relieved and hugged me. 


I opened my eyes and looked around. 

Bellamy was sitting there looking at my hand.

I moved my fingers and he looked at me. 

He smiled "hey"

I cracked a smile "hey. How long have I been asleep?"

Bellamy "A few hours."

I nodded. 

Bellamy sighed  "I'm so sorry, Mel. I knew you were a target. I didn't protect you."

I sat up and put a hand on his cheek "Bell, you saved me."

He gave me a soft smile"So how do we save everyone that I left behind?"

Me "You know, if you didn't, I'd be dead. They all would... Echo, Madi, Clarke. Josephine would've made sure of it. Your plan was good."

Bellamy asked hurt "Good? My plan was to use Josephine's mind drive to bargain for peace, and now there's no mind on the drive."

I shook my head " We don't need the mind drive. We've got me."

Bellamy shook his head "No, no way."

Me"Bellamy, if we don't give Russell his daughter back-"

Bellamy "Mel, as soon as he realizes you're not her, which will be the second you walk in the door and he checks the drive, you're dead."

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