1.54 "Please, I'm Begging you"

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Dad went to speak with Pike. Bellamy went to talk to Sinclair who they have locked up. We had a plan. Sinclair's gonna start a fight with Lincoln.

Suddenly the alarm went off. I ran to the direction.

I ran to the garage. 

Dad was putting Pike in the trunk.

I got into the car .

Dad shook his head "Mel, no"

Me "I'm coming with you!"

Dad sighed, shook his head "No!"

Me "Dad!"

Dad "Get out of the car, Melissa, now"

I got out of the car "Fine but Drive safe"

He nodded and drove out of the garage. I walked after the car.

Suddenly Bellamy and a few others stood in front of the gate. Dad hit the break. They all pointed guns at Dad.

I could hear Dad yell "Get the hell out of the way, Bellamy!"

Dad looked out of the window and looked at me.

I shook my head. 

Dad turned the engine off and got out of the car.


They had brought Dad into Pike's office.

I walked to it. Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

 I turned around "Let go of me"

Bellamy "I can't, Melissa"

Me "They are going to kill him, Bellamy!"

Bellamy "That's his own fault"

My eyes went wide and i shook my head disappointed and hurt  "They'll kill him, Bellamy! you say you love but here you are doing nothing for my father! Are you really gonna let him die? "

Bellamy "There's nothing i could do-"

Me "Bullshit! Jaha took my mother away from me. Do you really want to take my father away from me? You?"

Bellamy warned "careful, Mel"

I challenged "Go ahead, lock me up, too. "


I saw two guards bring dad out of the room. 

I walked to him "Dad!"

He looked at me with sad eyes "i'm sorry"

I shook my head and could feel my eyes water "No. No. No. Don't. No!"

I pushed the guard off him but i got held back and got carried into a room.

Then I pushed the person off me "Bellamy!"

I went to walk out of the room but Bell blocked my way  "get out of my way"

Bellamy "Where do you think are you going?"

Me "Disneyland! Where do you think, idiot?!"

Bellamy "And do what, Mel?!"

Me "And tell him i'm part of it too. I was part of the beginning"

Bellamy's face dropped "you lied to me"

Then he scoffed, shaking his head "I should've known you were lying"

I shook my head "i had no choice"

Bellamy shook his head  "you're not going"

Me "you're funny. You know, since you don't have a say in it at all"

I pushed him away and opened the door. 

Bellamy pushed it shut.

 I could feel his breath on my neck.

Bellamy "Don't do it, please"

Me "They're going to kill him, Bell, i can't just back off"

Bellamy pleaded  "please"

I turned to him and looked into his eyes "do you love me?"

He nodded "of course"

I begged "Then don't let Pike take the only family i've left away from me. Please, Bell, i'm begging you"

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