1.40 "For Our People"

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The others were outside. I was still inside and trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

I could hear her screams. I walked around. I stepped on something. Lexa's cup.

Abby walked inside"Come on, Melissa. We need to move, now"

Then it hit me "It wasn't the booze. It was the cup"

I stormed out to Lexa.

Bellamy tried to block my way "Mel, stop. What are you doing? You'll get yourself killed"

Me "i need that damn bottle. now"

I walked past him.

two guards stopped me from getting closer to Lexa.

I yelled "Stop this !"

They all looked at me.

Lexa turned to me "Let her pass!"

They let me through and i walked to her.

Me "Hate to break it to you but one of your people tried to kill you, Lexa, not one of mine"

Indra growled "you should've ran"

Me "Give me the bottle and i can prove it"

Nyko gave me the bottle.

I took one long big sip of booze.

I grimaced because of the burn "i needed that sip"

Then i looked at Lexa.

Lexa ordered "Explain"

Me "The booze wasn't poisoned. But the cup was."

Gustus whispered "a trick, Heda. Nou be fooled"

Bellamy came up next to me "it was you"

He looked at Gustus.

Bellamy "he tested the cup. He searched Raven. "

Lexa shook her head "Gustus would never harm me."

Bellamy "you weren't the target. The alliance was. "

Clarke came up next to me "We didn't do this, and you know it"

Lexa turned to Gustus "You've been accused, Gustus. Speak the truth"

Gustus "This alliance would cost you your life, Heda. "

The Grounders looked shocked.

Gustus shook his head "i could not let that happen"

Lexa "this treachery will cost you yours. Put em ona the tri"

Bellamy and Abby cut Raven down and brought her to us.

Gustus wasn't even fighting. They put him on Raven's place. Grounder started to cut him deep with knifes.Bellamy got Raven cover so that she wouldn't freeze.

Raven whispered "This would've been Finn? "

She turned to look at me and i nodded.

then she looked at the show in front of us.

Lexa took a step in front of Gustus. This guy was bleeding like hell.

Gustus cracked out "Ste yui"

Lexa took her sword out and pointed it at his chest "yu gonplei ste odon"

She shoved the sword through his chest. Gustus' head fell.


Lincoln, Octavia, Bellamy and i were sitting around a fire. Octavia was laying in front of Lincoln and playing with the leafs. Lincoln was sitting behind her.

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