Becca's Lab

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Becca's Lab

Jackson "This is Becca's main research lab, but there are 5 other levels."

Clarke " Incredible."

Abby walked over to Clarke "God, it's really you."

Jackson "I'll go check on Raven and Luna."

Abby "Where's Roan?"

Clarke "He's unloading the fuel with the others. I just needed to see my mom. "

Abby "Don't punish yourself. Going to space was at best a long shot. "

Clarke" It was the only shot we had." "

I saw someone's brain x ray on the monitor " Is that Raven? "

Abby "She's sedated in the bio lab. She had another seizure. "

Clarke" Is that...? "

Abby nodded "An ischemic stroke. "

Clarke "Well, that means it can heal, right? "

Abby "Yes. As long as she takes it easy, she'll recover. She's almost as stubborn as you are. "

Clarke "And you? How are you feeling? "

Abby" I'm fine. "

Clarke sighed "Mom, I spoke to Jackson. He doesn't think you're fine. When was the last time you slept? "

Abby Oh, I'll sleep soon enough, one way or another.v

Abby looked at something. 

Clarke" What is that? "

Abby "It's bone marrow. Luna's. A theory that Jackson and I agreed should remain untested. "

Clarke "What theory? "

Abby" We can't create Nightblood unless we go to space. But Luna can. Theoretically, we can inject ourselves with her bone marrow. "

Clarke "Then we become Nightbloods. Will it work? "

Abby nodded"  I think so. "

Clarke asked confused " Then why'd you take it off the table? "

Abby" Because the only way to know if it works is to test it, and that would mean... "

Clarke "Exposing someone to radiation. Can we do that here? "

Abby nodded "Yes. Becca was trying to find a cure for cancer using this radiation chamber. Clarke... we would have to expose a human being to enough radiation that would implode every single cell in their body. That's what's coming for us.

Clarke " I know that, but you just said it. We have no choice".

Abby shook her head " No. We have to make a choice. "

Clarke "Who do we test? "

Jackson "Emori, hey."

We looked up. Emori was looking down from the railing.

Emori "I'm heading up to the house. Does anyone want anything while I'm up there? "

Abby shook her head " No, we're fine. Thanks, Emori. Hold on. Honey, you should go with her. "

Clarke " No. I just got here. I want to be here with you and help. "

Abby "There is nothing for you to help me with right now. It'll be 5 hours before the samples are even ready to be tested. Ok. Go, take a shower, and we'll figure this out when you get back. Go. "

Clarke nodded "Ok."

Jackson "I'll lower the drones. "


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