1.10 Banishing Murphy

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I was standing in front of the tent. Finn, Bellamy and Clark were inside of it with Charlotte. Murphy wanted Charlotte to pay for her crime. And he's dying to be the one to make her pay.

Murphy yelled "Bring out the girl, Bellamy! Bring the girl out now!"

I snapped "Shut up, John!"

He looked at me " you're on her side now? even after everything?"

I shook my head "i am on no one's side, John!"

Murphy "Let's build a society. Bring her out!"

I sighed. 

Bellamy walked out of the tent. 

 I looked at him. 

Murphy walked to him "Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us"

Bellamy "Dial it down and back off"

Murphy asked amused "or what? what are you gonna do about me? Hang me?"

Bellamy "i was just giving the people what they wanted. "

Murphy nodded "Yeah. yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?"

He turned to the crowd "so, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor?"

Murphy's gang raised their hands.

Murphy nodded pissed off " i see. So, it's ok to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk?. "

Then he yelled "Cowards ! All of you are cowards!"

Bellamy "Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over. "

Murphy stepped back "Whatever you say, boss"

Bellamy turned around and took a few steps. Murphy took a tree trunk and hit Bellamy hard with it, knocking him out.

Octavia yelled "son of a bitch! Hey!"

Jasper held her back.

Murphy hit Jasper in the face and Jas fell back.

Then he turned to his boys  come on. Let's get the girl"

He looked into the tent but then yelled aggressive  "Charlotte! Charlotte, i know you can hear me! And when i find you, you are gonna pay!"

Then his eyes landed on me. 

And there was something in them that was scaring me. 

My eyes widened and i started to run into the woods. 


Murphy had caught me and had his grip on my forearm. He and his gang were looking for Charlotte.

Me "And for what do you need me for?"

Murphy chuckled "Bellamy will never hand her over. "

Me "You wanna wanna make a deal? trade her for me??"

Murphy didn't answer. 

I shook my head "He won't do it"

He stopped walking and looked at me "You don't get it, do you? Bellamy likes you, Kitty, more than he should"

I shook my head "no, he doesn't."

Murphy smirked "and you like him, too"

I raised an eyebrow "jealous ?"

Murphy scoffed and gripped my forearm tighter. 

I grimaced a little. 

We kept walking.

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