1.43 Broken Alliances

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In the tunnels.

Jackson and i got there by foot. I could hear people talking.

A few Grounders were standing there. Octavia was there too.

Me "O.?"

She turned to me and ran to me "Mel ! I couldn't find you. i thought you were-"

Me "I was at the ark. My rib's cracked"

Octavia nodded.

Me "Dad? is he...?"

Octavia nodded "he's alive"

I breathed out relieved "Thank god"

Suddenly we could hear a horn.

Indra "We're retreating. "

Octavia looked at her confused "That can't be right. "

Indra "we have to go now"

Me "they are still in there"

Indra "and our Commander's out there. under attack for all we know"

Octavia "i don't trust her, Not after Tondc, and neither should you"

Indra "i gave you a direct order"

Octavia "please. This was the plan.If we are not here with the tone generators when they come out, reapers will kill- "

Indra "plans change"

Caris "Octavia, let's go"

I shook my head "we are staying"

Octavia shook her head "i'm not going anywhere without my brother"

Indra took her knife out and held it on O's throat. I took my gun out and pointed it at Indra.I hissed in pain.

Indra "you are no longer my second"

Then she took off.

There was a little cut on Octavia's throat.

Jackson "Mel, Octavia, please, come home with us"

Octavia shook her head "i have no home"

My heart broke. Jackson put a bag down and left. Only O and i were left.

My voice cracked "You have Bell. You have me"

Octavia nodded "My only home"


we could hear running.

Clarke said surprised "Octavia, you stayed"

Then she saw me "you alright, Mel?"

Octavia and i "Screw you"

Octavia nodded "of course i stayed. i know where my loyalties lie"

Clarke "We have to get in there"

Octavia grabbed her arm to stop her "if that was possible, do you think we'd still be out here?"

She made her look into the container. A girl was lying in there. dead.

Octavia "Why did Lexa sound the retreat?"

Me "She turned her back on us, didn't she?"

Clarke sighed "she made a deal with Mount Weather, reed the grounders, and now we're on our own"

She hamerd against the door.

Octavia hissed "stop! they'll know we're here"

She stopped.

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