1.15 "I Need You"

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I groaned and woke up. 

I looked around and was still in the bunker. 

My head was buzzing but i shot up when i heard a gunshot outside. 

I yelled " Bellamy "

I stood up and groaned in pain. I took one of the guns and ran out. 


I heard fighting. 

Then i saw Bellamy on the ground.

Someone was pointing a gun at him.

Me "Put it down, Dax"

I aimed my gun at him. 

He pointed his gun at me "You should've stayed down there, Mel. I really tried to keep you out of this, but here you are, and Shumway said no witnesses"

I asked Bellamy but my eyes were still on Dax  "What is he talking about?"

Bellamy groaned "Shumway set it up. He gave me the gun to shoot the Chancellor"

Dax "Walk away now, and i won't kill you"

Me "Put the gun down and i won't kill you"

I pulled the trigger but nothing came out of the gun "shit"

Dax aimed the gun at me and i quickly hid behind a tree. Suddenly bullets were flying around. 

he aimed again but then i heard him falling to the ground.

I came out of my hiding place. 

Him and Bell were fighting on the ground. 

The bullets in my gun were all dulls. 

I walked to them and tried to push Dax off of Bellamy "Get the hell off him!"

But he hit me in the stomach with the gun and i fell backwards to the ground. I coughed in pain. 

Suddenly Dax fell to the ground in front of me. 

There was a bullet in his neck. He slowly closed his eyes. 

I crawled backwards and leaned against a tree. 

Bellamy stood up, walked to me and sat down next to me. 

He looked beaten up.

We were both breathing hard.

Bellamy looked at me " you okay?"

I shook my head "and you?"

Bellamy shook his head "my mother...if she knew what i've done, who i am...she raised me to be better, to be good..."

Me "Bell-"

Bellamy shook his head "...and all i do is hurt people. "

He sniffed "i'm a monster"

I moved closer to him "Hey. "

He looked at me. 

I shook my head "you're not a monster"

Bellamy "you're scared of me"

I shook my head "That's not true"

Bellamy "You said it yourself"

I sighed "And i regret ever saying that. You saved my life today, Bellamy. You've saved my life a couple of times now. "

He looked down.

Me "You're the reason we're all alive. I can't do keep them alive on my own. This camp needs you."

He turned his head away. 

I put my hand on his cheek and turned his head to me "i need you, Bell"

He let out a shaky breath.

Me "You want forgiveness, fine, i forgive you. But don't run, Bellamy. You have to come back with me. You have to face it "

Bellamy "like you faced your dad?"

I took a deep breath and dropped my hand from his cheek  "You know why i can not do that. I'm here to keep everyone alive and i know one thing for sure: i would be failing if it wasn't for you."

Bellamy "Jaha will kill me when he comes down."

I shook my head "I won't let him. We'll figure something out. I care about you too much to let him kill you"

Bellamy asked me with hope in his eyes  "Can we figure it out later?"

He leaned his head back.

 I put my head on his shoulder "Whenever you are ready, Bell, i'm there when you need me"

He leaned his cheek against my hair and grabbed my hand "I'll help you with your father, Mel.I won't leave your side, i promise"

At Camp. Night. 

He and i walked inside the camp with the guns hanging on strings around our shoulders. 

I could hear some people panicking because the Grounder managed to escape. 

I smirked. Octavia. 

Bellamy called out  "Let the Grounders come"

They all looked at us.

Bellamy called out  "We're been afraid of them for too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you but i'm tired to be afraid."

He looked at me. I nodded and we threw the guns to the ground.

Me"These are weapons, ok? not toys, and we have to be prepared to give them up to the guards when the first drop ships come, but until then, they're gonna help to keep us safe. "

Bellamy "and there are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training, and if the Grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight."


Bellamy and i were standing in front of the main tent. Raven had found a way to video-chat with the Ark.

I looked at Bellamy and he looked at me.

Me "It's going to be fine"

He nodded "Thank you, Mel, for everything"

I nodded.

We walked inside and sat down. We put the headsets on.

 Jaha was on display  "Mr. Blake, i've wanted to talk to you for some time now"

Me "Before you do, i'd like to say something"

Jaha mentioned for me to go on. 

I took a deep breath "When you sent me down here to lead them, i had no plan what to do or where to even start. Bellamy took control of things here pretty fast. He's been by my side since the beginning. You sent us all down here to die but because of him most of us are still alive. Because of Bellamy we're surviving down here. He's the one keeping us alive"

I met Bellamy's eyes.  I smiled a little and so did he. 

The i looked back to Jaha "He's one of us, and he deserves to be pardoned for his crimes just like the rest of us. "

Jaha sighed  "Melissa, i appreciate your point of view, but it's not that simple"

Bellamy nodded "it is if you wanna know who on the Ark wants you dead. "

Jaha took a moment to process what Bell said. 

I glanced at Bellamy and he at me.

Jaha leaned closer to the camera "Bellamy Blake, you're pardoned for your crimes"

I smiled and Bellamy breathed out relieved.

Jaha "now tell me who gave you the gun"

Bellamy "it was Shumway"

Jaha nodded  "I'll take care of that. Thank you"

Then he looked at me "Melissa, your father wants to speak to you"

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