Leaving The Planet

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At a gorge. 

We were hiding behind some rocks. 

Bellamy "Two pillboxes, just like Echo said. That's our signal. It's working. They're moving out."

The guards walked away. 

Octavia gave the sign and we started to march again. 

we were walking down a valley surrounded by mountains. 

Indra to Bellamy " You did your best to stop this. In the end, if we have to fight, it's better to win."

Suddenly gunfire started. 

Bellamy grabbed me "Mel, watch out"

Brell "Retreat! Back to the bunker!"

Some of our people started to run back. 

Octavia yelled "No! Advance! It's the only way!"

Bell grabbed my arm "Mel, come on-"

Suddenly we got hit by an energy blast and we got thrown back. 

I groaned out and looked over to Bellamy. 

Bellamy " don't move. I said, don't move. The second we move, we're dead. Get down."

Some people started to get shot down. Some of our people had already left. 

I hissed at him "This is your fault."

It was pretty quiet now that mostly everyone was dead. 

Bellamy" We are not doing this now. Judging by the number of dead, some of your army must have made it back to the wasteland. They won't last long without food or water."

Me " I have to get to them. You lay down covering fire, and we run."

Bellamy"Mel, I lost my weapon. We have to wait until it's dark. Once we make it back, we get the radio, and we surrender. We can't win. It's over. But we can still save our people--"

I shook my head " Nothing is over. Your intel was bad. But at least we know what we're up against."

Bellamy" Mel, no one will follow Octavia again. This is her fault, not mine. She led them here, she burnt their farm, and she made them march. These people are dead because of her. "

Me "i wanna punch so bad"


Bellamy " Okay, it's dark enough. Next time it passes, we go. Okay. Now. Get down. We're clear. "

I shook my head " We'll never make it past those lights."

Bellamy" No."

Me "Bellamy, they will come back for us"

Bellamy "are you sure?"

I nodded "Yes, of course"

Suddenly a car pulled up. 

Echo's head popped out " get in, now!"

Murphy"Yeah! Somebody call for a rescue?"

I breathed out relieved. 

Emori" Hurry up! We're not staying."

Bellamy and i got into the car and Monty drove off. 

Murphy hugged me "hey stranger. "

I chuckled "son of a bitch"

He chuckled. 

I frowned when i saw Echo looking back at Bellamy. 

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