1.16 Truth

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My face dropped but i nodded. 

Jaha nodded, stood up and walked away.

I looked at Bellamy "please, don't go "

Bellamy grabbed my hand that was on my thigh and whispered "don't worry, i'm not going anywhere"

I nodded. Suddenly Dad appeared on the display. 

I just looked at him.

Dad sat down on the chair " What in hell got into you to go down there!"

I shook my head "No more excuses, no more lies. I wanna hear the truth. Now"

Dad sighed "who told you?"

A tear rolled down my cheek "I heard Abby and you talk about it before you sent us down here to die"

Dad shook his head  "i never meant to lie to you"

Me "But you did. For 17 years. You made me believe that my mother didn't want me for 17 years! I wanna know why!?"

Dad took a deep breath "She found out. She found out that the Ark was slowly running out of oxygen. That night, she went to Jaha to talk about it.  She wanted the people to know the truth, she wanted to tell everybody what we were keeping a secret. The fight we had that night was about that. I told her to let it be. To think about the consequences, to think about you. She got furious and left. I went after her and found her in front of the floating door. Jaha and the others were there too. She wanted to find a way to protect the Ark and its people So that you could have a happy life. Jaha wasn't having any of it. He had to stop her from outing the council."

Dad took a shaky breath " So he floated her before she could tell anyone."

I started to sob. 

Bellamy griped my hand tighter.

I cracked out "why did you let him take her from me?"

Dad "He would've floated me too, Melissa. I couldn't leave you alone. You were only 5 "

I nodded and looked away. I whipped my tears away. 

I took a deep breath and looked at Dad "Wh-what was she like?"

Dad had tears in his eyes, too.

Then he smiled sadly "She was the most beautiful woman on the Ark. so full of life. I've never seen someone like her. I met her at young age. I was in your age, maybe a year older but i knew i wanted to be with her forever. She was and will always be the love of my life. And i thank her every day for giving birth to you, Mel. For giving me the blessing of raising you. She loved you more than anything, Meli. She wanted to spent everyday with you. She talked about the future with you. She talked about you going on your first date, having your first crush, your wedding, maybe even grandchildren. Every time she was with you, she couldn't imagine a life without you. You were her everything, Melissa. I could never imagine a life without her and i never will. She was my life"

I smiled sadly.

Dad "From the first time i saw her i knew i didn't want to be without her ever again. I couldn't be without her ever again"

I could feel Bellamy's eyes on me.

I sobbed "Then why did you lie to me? Why make me believe i killed her"

Dad "Because you couldn't know. It was Jaha's idea to not tell you the truth. And it killed me more than anything to tell you that lie. It was killing me for the past 17 years. "

I asked confused  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Dad sighed "i wanted to but i couldn't. Forgive me, Mel, please. I already lost my wife, i couldn't bare losing you too."

I bit my lip and sighed "I'll see you when you come down here"

He nodded "See you down there, sweetheart"

I nodded "Bye, dad"

Then stood up and walked out. 

Bellamy followed me out "Mel"

I ignored him.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and turned me to him.

Then he put a hand on my cheek and made me look at him "hey"

I said sadly "i wanted to hear the truth. Now i heard it"

Bellamy "and?"

I shook my head in tears.

Bellamy sighed and hugged me. 

I cried into his chest. 

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