"We're Trapped Here"

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At a clearing.

Bellamy "Rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon. "

Clarke "Then what, run away? "

Bell shook his head "We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others, and find another way to defeat... "

Clarke "There is no other way. We need to find a Nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop A.L.I.E. "

Jasper "What do you expect us to do, Clarke, walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods? "

Clarke nodded  "If that's what it takes. "

O. shook her head  "No, Clarke. If A.L.I.E. can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village. "

Clarke "If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages or a home for us to go back to. "

Bell "That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are ok. "

Clarke sighed, nodding before walking away. 

 Jasper " She'll be fine. Just let her cool off. "

I looked at the chip in my hand "i still have the chip. So, she'll have to come back"


I was in the woods. 

Suddenly i heard a groan and turned around. A ground fell to the ground, dead. 

Roan stood behind him. 

My jaw dropped "Roan?"

Roan"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been following your tracks. "

Then he grabbed the chip from me. 

Me "give me that back"

I went to reach for it but he moved away.

Roan "Good-bye, princess. "

Me "Would you just hear me out? I need to find a Nightblood to put that in."

Roan turned around to walk away  " I already have a Nightblood to put it in. "

I yelled "Roan!"

Roan turned to me " Because of you, Ontari never ascended, so, no, I won't stop, not until the Ice Nation has its Commander. "

Suddenly i heard a gun cock. 

Bellamy aimed his gun at Roan "You were saying? Hands where I can see them. "

Roan held his hands up. 

Bell shot me a quick glance "Mel?"

I nodded "i'm okay"

Roan "Then let's go."

Me " He's coming with us. "

Bell scoffed "The hell he is"

Roan " Why would I do that? "

Me "Because we both want the same thing... to put the Flame in Ontari. "

Bellamy "How do you know he's not chipped?"

Me " If he were, do you think i would still be breathing ?"

Bellamy "Still, we need to be sure. "

Then he shot him in the arm and then knocked him out. 

I shot Bellamy a look. 

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