1.27 "I Love You"

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Next day. Morning.

I opened my eyes. I sat up and drove my and down my face. I walked into my room. I opened my drawer and took new clothes out. Then I walked into the bathroom.


I walked out of the bathroom but stopped when i saw his jacket on the sofa.

I took a deep breath and put it on.

Then i walked out of the room and took a walk around. Wires were hanging down from everywhere. Guards where standing everywhere.

I saw Sinclair  "Where's my dad? he back yet?"

He nodded.

Me "With any luck?"

Sinclair "See for yourself"

I saw Dad walking to me and asked confused " What is Sinclair talking about?"

Dad "come with me"

We started to walk to a room.

Dad said to the guards "open it"

The guard nodded "yes, sir"

i looked at dad "When were you going to tell me you're the new Chancellor? "

Dad "after you had your  sleep"

I rolled my eyes.

The door opened.

I asked confused "What's in there?"

Dad smiled "See for yourself"

I asked irritated "Why is everybody telling me this shit?"

Then i walked inside and my jaw dropped.

Tears were filling my eyes.

I shook my head "Yo-You can't be here. You're dead"

Then I walked closer to him.

I carefully touched his cheek.

He smiled a little. 

Then i slapped him "you bastard"

I pushed him backwards "You were dead!"

Then I punched his chest over and over again. He wasn't bothered at all.

I sobbed " i thought you were dead, Bellamy! Dead!"

The I punched him again "I felt like i couldn't breath, you idiot!"

Suddenly he pulled me closer and kissed me. I kissed back.

So much passion and so much love.

He put his hand on my cheeks and broke the kiss "i thought you were in the drop ship"

I nodded  " I should've been"

Bellamy asked confused "what changed your mind?"

Me "Clarke told me you weren't inside. I went looking for you"

Bellamy put his forehead against mine "I love you, Mel"

I smiled "i love you, Bell"

Suddenly the door opened.

I turned around and Bellamy's arm wrapped around my waist.

Dad walked inside.

Bellamy "how long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?"

Dad "until i'm confident you're no longer a threat to others. Melissa, Finn, John Murphy and Raven are outside. "

I raised an eyebrow pissed off "what?"

Then i looked at Bellamy pissed off "Murphy's alive?"

Bellamy nodded "sadly"

I nodded "okay"

Bellamy whispered "see you later"

I nodded and walked out.

Then I walked into medical.

I saw Murphy sitting on the bed. Suddenly anger raised inside of me.

Murphy stood up and slowly walked backwards "Mel, calm down"

I ran to him and jumped at him. We fell backwards on the ground and I landed on him.

I punched him over and over again "You son of a fucking bitch!"

Suddenly i got pulled off him.

I tried to fight that person "Let me go! He deserves everything he gets!"

Jackson "Calm down, Mel. "

Abby "Jackson, get her out of here"

Jackson pulled me out of the Ark.


I walked back into the room where they held Bellamy. 

Well, the guards wouldn't open the door.

I growled "just open the damn door."

They opened it and i walked in. They closed it right behind me.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Murphy chained on one post on one side of the room.

Bellamy was chained on another post across from Murphy.

Suddenly we heard a scream. Raven.

I grimaced "Abby is taking the bullet out"

Murphy "Yeah. That was me at the grounder camp. You know, i did everything i could not to scream, but eventually-"

Bellamy was annoyed "..you broke and you told them everything"

Murphy scoffed"And you wouldn't have because you're better than me. "

He looked at me "or you, Meli"

Bellamy nodded "damn right. I'm not a traitor. I didn't tell them where they could find us"

Murphy "and i did. yeah, i did. after they tortured me in their prison camp for 3 days, But go ahead. You just keep believing. Even if you are in here just like me."

I sighed.

John "Besides, what's going on with you two lovebirds? hm? are you a thing now?"

I raised an eyebrow"why? jealous?"

Bellamy "That's none of your business, Murphy"

John looked at me "you know where the others are?"

I nodded "Mount Weather. It's like a stronghold. I saw them getting carried inside"

Bellamy asked hopefully " you heard anything from O.?"

I shook my head "no"

He sighed.

The door opened and a guard walked inside.

Guard "time's up, Mel"

I raised an eyebrow "are you serious now?"

Guard" Rules are rules, Mel. "

Me "Fuck off"

Guard sighed "i don't wanna hurt you, Mel"

i smirked "Go ahead. I'm Chancellor Kane's daughter."

Bellamy nodded "It's okay, Mel"

I looked at him and sighed "I'm gonna get you out"

Bellamy nodded "Take your time, i can wait"

Murphy snored disgusted "How adorable"

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