1.52 "Disappointments"

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Next day.

Dad, Miller and i were walking to Pike's apartment.

Dad "you step aside in case someone answers"

Miller "i told you, no one's home. "

Dad knocked on the door but no one opened.

Miller chuckled.

Dad asked confused  "What?"

Miller "Bet you didn't think we'd be breaking the law together when you arrested me on the Ark, huh?"

Dad grabbed him by his shirt collar "This isn't a game, Nate. If we don't find out what Pike's up to more people will die. "

Miller "then let's not get caught"

Dad gave the code into the electronic lock and the door opened.

Suddenly we heard a man "Chancellor Pike, good to see you"

Dad handed me the spy. 

Well it was a microphone but i call it a spy.

Dad "put it somewhere smart, out of sight. I'll buy you some time"

I nodded and walked inside.

I closed the door and looked around. I bit my lip. This was my dad's room before Pike. i put the spy under the table. I made sure that they couldn't been seen from all the ankles. then I rushed out of the room.

I saw Dad still talking to Pike. Bellamy was there too. Great. I slowly closed the door. I walked to dad. I fake tripped so that i was falling to the ground. I fake yelled in pain.

Dad kneeled down to me "you fine, Melissa ?"

I tried to stand up but i faked losing balance and leaned against the wall.

Then I bit my lip "i think it's my ankle"

Dad nodded  "I'll get her to the medical"

Pike nodded "do that"

Dad put an arm around me and we walked to the medical "and?"

I smiled "it's safe"

We walked to my room instead to the medical.


Dad, Miller and i were sitting on the table. Dad had the radio in his hands .

Pike "ok. Let's get this meeting started. Welcome Farm Station's own Monty Green and factory girl Zow Monroe as we begin our next crucial phase..expansion and salvation and this will lead the way. "

Monroe "dirt?"

Pike "soil...fertile, arable soil, vastly more rich than anything e've found since landing. we'll clear the trees and plant within the month. "

Hannah "We start with soybeans and corn. They grow the fastest. "

Monty "is this where we're going?"

Pike "that's right"

Monty "there's a village here. What about the people who live there?"

Bellamy "Sector 4. We talked about this. The people there are not threat. "

Pike "we need that land. With the loss of Mount Weather's resources, Arkadia will be starving in less than a year"

Me "i would rather starve than follow Pike"

Bellamy "with all due respect, sir, you still haven't answered Monty's question"

Pike "you know the answer. Every field must be cleared of stones before it's tilled"

Hannah "we were spotted by a child so they'll be expecting us, but they lost their fighters when we took out the army. We don't expect resistance"

I started to cough again.

Dad looked at me.

I stood up and ran into the bathroom before coughing out blood.


I just found out that they destroyed another village. Octavia couldn't save them. This was sick.

I was walking through the corridors. I walked around a corner but got pushed back into a room.

Me "the hell?"

Bellamy eyed me "you look pale. You've been coughing blood again?"

I shook my head" none of your business"

Bellamy shot me a look " Mel-"

I joked "Why would I be coughing out blood ? my life is perfect"

Then I tried to walk past him but he stepped into my way.

I snapped  "move"

Bellamy "Someone's been giving Octavia information. Is that you?"

I shook my head"no"

Bellamy raised an eyebrow "Why don't i believe you?"

Me "I am telling you the truth. i haven't seen your sister in a while, to be honest. "

Bellamy "do you know who could've done it?"

I started to chuckle "do you really think i would tell you if something's going on? Come on, man, i don't have to tell you anything at all"

Bellamy sighed "if things go down the wrong way i don't want anything out there that could lead back to you"

I looked into his eyes. There he was. The Bellamy i fell for. It hurt even more to know that it's going to end quickly.

I looked into his eyes "Well, looks like we're both disappointing each other"

He clenched his jaw. 

Me "now move out of my way, Bellamy"

He stepped aside and i took a few steps but stopped.

Me "That moment right now. That's the Bellamy i care about. Not the person you've turned into"

Then i walked away.

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