1.4 "Long Live The Queen!"

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Next day.

Everybody had set up their tents last night.

 I was walking out of mine. I swear my self made bed was the worst bed ever.

We all were standing around. Octavia and the others still weren't back yet. 

I saw Wells digging graves for the two dead guys.

They were all playing around. Some of them were playing drums.

I took a sip of my water bottle when i suddenly saw Bellamy walking out of the drop ship. topless. I nearly chocked on my water.

 A girl was hanging on his arm and i rolled my eyes. 

He kissed her and she left.

I shook my head and turned around and walked into Murphy.

I growled, pissed off "Why are you always standing behind me?"

Murphy smirked "Because you have a really nice behind"

I took a deep breath and tried to walk away but he grabbed my forearm.

I raised an eyebrow, amused "Again, Murphy?"

Murphy asked confused "For what did you get locked up ? After everything you've done...what made Jaha change his mind ? "

I glared at him. 

Murphy chuckled "Come on, Kitty, I know you"

I smirked "If you know me then you wouldn't have to ask"

Then I tried rip my arm free but his grip tightened.

I warned "Murphy"

He didn't react. 

Me "John!"

No reaction.

He moved me over to the fire.

I asked confused "What are you doing?"

He was going to hold my arm over the flames.

I yelled "Murphy!"

Suddenly he got pushed off me.

It was Wells.

I looked at my wrist. It's going to bruise.

Wells pushed him to the ground and got on top of him. 

Then he started to punch Murphy.

Wells looked at Bellamy who had already put a shirt on "Don't you see? you can't control this!"

I looked at Murphy. He took a knife out and was ready to stab Wells but me being me, i was standing in the way. I felt a hand around my wrist and got pushed out of the way. 

I hissed in pain and looked up. 

Bellamy looked at me worried  "Sorry. Are you okay?"

I asked him irritated  "Does it look like i'm okay?"

Murphy to Wells "You're dead"

Bellamy stepped in "Wait"

Then he took his knife out and threw it in front of Wells's feet "Fair fight"

Wells grabbed the knife. 

Bellamy got out of the way and walked to me.

Wells and Murphy started to circle each other.

 Murphy cut Well's forearm and yelled "This is for my father!"

Wells blocked him, grabbed his arm and turned him around so that his knife was on John's throat "Drop it!"

Suddenly we heard Clarke yell  "Wells!"

She and Finn walked to us.

Clarke "Let him go!"

Wells pushed him to the ground.

Murphy went to attack him again but Bellamy held him back.

Bellamy "Whoa. Hey! Enough, Murphy"

Suddenly i saw Monty supporting Octavia.

I asked worried "Octavia, you all right?"

Bellamy rushed to her and helped her sit down. 

Octavia nodded but grimaced in pain "yeah"

Bellamy looked at Clarke "Where is the food?"

I looked around "Where is Jasper?"

Finn "We didn't make it to Mount Weather"

Bellamy asked confused "What the hell happened out there?"

Clarke "We were attacked"

Me "by who?"

Finn "Turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last grounder"

I looked at Octavia and walked to her.

Octavia nodded "It's true"

She put an arm around my shoulders.

Clarke "Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here. survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us"

Finn sat down on a stone "Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will"

Me "And where the hell is Jasper?"

Clarke looked at me "Jasper was hit"

My jaw dropped "Wh-What?"

Clarke "they took him"

I snapped "You let them take him!?"

Octavia grabbed my none-bruised hand and held me back.

Finn "We had no choice"

Clarke grabbed Wells' wrist "Where is your wristband?"

Wells ripped his hand free.

He looked at Bellamy "Ask him"

Clarke looked at Bellamy "how many?"

Murphy "24 and counting"

Me "You do know that you are idiots, right? All of you"

Murphy asked annoyed  "why are we idiots now, Kitty?"

Me "Because the Ark is dying, idiot"

Murphy asked confused "What are you talking about?"

Clark "Life supporting on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!"

Bellamy jumped in "we're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors."

Murphy nodded at me "And what's the matter with Kitty over there? There's no reason for her to be down here yet you are, why?"

Bellamy turned to me.

I called out  "I know, me being down here got some of you curious. Jaha gave me a chance to come down here but i said no. So they tricked me with lies. They want ME to lead you. To keep you alive! Those Grounders have one of my best friends! One of us! And i'll do everything to get him back! Bellamy's right, we can survive on our own! We are going to take back our home! You can either listen to me or not, the choice is yours but i say the Grounders should worry about us!"

The crowd went silent.

Octavia suddenly yelled "Long live the Queen!"

The crowd yelled "Long live the Queen!"

I heard Bellamy yell "Long live the Queen"

I looked at him.

He winked at me "I knew you would come around"

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