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Me " She'll be ok. Octavia can take care of herself. "

Bellamy shook his head  "That's not what I'm worried about."

Me " She won't be charged. Everyone will say that Pike had it coming which is the truth."

Bellamy looked down  " Maybe we all do."

I nodded "you're right. "

He looked at me. 

Me "How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through? "

Bellamy shook his head  "We don't, not until we know A.L.I.E. was telling you the truth."

I nodded " It was the truth. "

Bellamy "Still, keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it. Damn"

Me " You're afraid of how people will react. "

Bellamy nodded "Yes. Besides, I could use a break from keeping you alive. "

I shoved him a little. 

Bellamy "They're feeling their pain again. Let's not add to it by telling them they're gonna die in 6 months."

I nodded " Good. "

Bellamy "Once everyone's down, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation takes us out."

Me " Thank you for keeping me alive." 


The grounders were kinda on edge as they find out that their loved ones didn't wake up because Lexa killed them to protect Clarke in the city of lights. It's not safe for us anymore. 

Dad and Abby walked to us. 

Abby "Clarke."

Clarke nodded " Good. You're down. We have to go. The rover's in the north woods. "

Abby "What about the wounded? "

Bellamy "Grounders don't want our help. Our people we'll treat at Arkadia. "

Suddenly Bell's radio went on. 

Raven "Hello? Bellamy, please, come in. "

Bellamy "Raven, you ok?"

Raven " Yeah. Yeah. We're all in one piece."

Bellamy " That's good. There's something we need you to look into. "

Raven "First, tell me how my friends are. Did everyone make it? Clarke? Mel? "

Me "We're here"

Clarke "thanks to you. Oh... Raven, did A.L.I.E. ever tell you why she created the City of Light? "

Raven "No. Why? "

Suddenly we heard a shouting. 

Clarke gave me the radio "Fill Raven in. "

I nodded  and Clarke took off running. 

Bellamy took the radio from me "go"

I nodded and rushed over to the body on the ground. 

Me "That's Roan. He got shot trying to help me. "

Then i looked at Dad "thanks to you, by the way"

Dad looked down, sighing. 

Me "I thought he was dead. "

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