1.2 "We're Back, Bitches!"

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Next day.

I avoided dad since i found out that he didn't care about my mother for 17 years.

I was making my way to the dropship. The ship they were going to put the prisoners in , the ship that was going to earth.

I found her Abby, her back was facing me.

Me "I'm doing it"

She turned to me, confused "excuse me?"

Me "I'm in. Get me on that ship"

Abby asked surprised "What changed your mind?"

I shook my head "doesn't matter, as long as my dad doesn't find out about this"

She nodded. But there was something in her eyes.

I clenched my jaw "You knew i was eavesdropping, didn't you?. "

She nodded.

Me "You manipulated me. Why?"

Abby took a deep breath " They'll need you"

My voice cracked "I found out that everything my father told me about my mother was lie from you because you didn't see another choice to get me down to earth to lead a bunch of criminals?"

Abby looked guilty "I'm sorry. I know it was on him to tell you but we had no choice. But you have to know the whole story"

I shook my head "i don't wanna to hear it. I don't care about the truth. My father made me believe that my existence made my mother want to die. That's all i need and want to know. Now, can you get me on that ship or not?"

Abby sighed but nodded "The guards will let you pass."

I nodded "good"

Abby "good luck"

I nodded and slowly made my way through the corridors.

I walked around the corner but quickly hid behind it when i saw what was happening.

It was Bellamy Blake. Octavia's big brother. I never really met him. Octavia had told me about him and i had seen him on pictures in their flat but never met him in person. He had a guards uniform on and was holding a gun at someone. The person had his back turned to him and was doing something on a clipboard.

I flinched together when i heard the gun shot. My eyes went wide when i saw who fell to the ground. It was Jaha.

I would've been shocked if i didn't hate Jaha so much.

I turned around and took another way to the drop ship. Suddenly the alarm went on and the prison doors opened. Guards were pulling the teenagers out.

Of course they were all surprised. I mean no one knew what the hell was going on.

I made my way into the drop ship and took a seat. I put the belt on. The guards were bringing the 100 into the ship. They were spreading them on different floors.

Then my two favorites idiots walked inside. One took a seat next to me and the other one on my other side.

I smiled at them. They put the belts on.

Jasper smirked "Hello, Mel. Long time not seen"

I smiled trying to look happy even though it was hard "How are my favorite two idiots doing? hm?"

Monty "It's great to see a beautiful face again. Jasper's face was annoying me"

Jasper bitched offended "Oh please, just because your face isn't as beautiful as mine"

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