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Jackson "I am getting used to patching you up, Murphy."

Bellamy chained Emori to the wall "I guess now we know what the restraints were for."

Echo" How long will she be out?"

Jackson" The sedative in the tranq stick should last up to 3 hours."

Miller" Hey, what about the mothership? They're gonna think it's us. How do we warn them?"

Bellamy shook his head " We don't. Radios don't work down here. For now, we worry about ourselves. Murphy, are you okay?"

Jackson"His wounds are superficial. You're lucky."

Murphy"I'm lucky? Sorry. Is that your professional diagnosis? Because if so, you suck at being a doctor."

I warned "Murphy--"

Murphy snapped at me "What? No. What? I'm dying to know what he thinks turned my girlfriend into the monster that just attacked me."

Clarke" It's alright here. 'For two days, heaven is hell, and friends become foes.' Whatever is in the air, it affects people, too."

Miller asked confused " Why are the rest of us okay?"

Clarke"I don't know, but according to this, it comes from the plants."

Murphy" It's a children's book."

Clarke" Yeah, but it's coming true. When we were running from the bugs, Emori went down in the brush. It's probably why she lost it first."

Echo raised an eyebrow "First."

Bellamy"We're all breathing it in."

Miller" If it's the air out there, then we'll stay in here. We are gonna ride it out."

Murphy "That's a great plan, Miller. What happens when we're trapped in here and the rest of us lose our minds?"

Bellamy nodded " Murphy's right. There's more restraints in school. I'm guessing they're everywhere. We need to separate."

Echo "I'll stay with Emori."


I was chained to the wall. 

Bellamy was across from me. Murphy was here too. 

Murphy looked at me  "God, I hate being tied up, yet somehow whenever I'm with you, sooner or later, we wind up here, don't we? I mean, first, you hanged me."

Bellamy " Well, in fairness, I did that."

Murphy " Only after she forced your hand"

Me "i begged him to stop, you asshole"

Murphy " and who could forget Lexa? Yeah, I was tied up that night, too. Just a disposable pawn in your game."

I shook my head " That's not fair."

Murphy" Neither was tying up me and Emori in Becca's lab, but she was disposable, too, right? "

I scoffed, shaking my head. 

Murphy "Let me ask you a question. Did enjoy throwing Bellamy in the fighting pit?"

i looked down, hurt. 

Bellamy growled "Okay, Murphy. That's enough. Don't make me gag you, too."

Me " Jackson can take another look at that wound in the morning."

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