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Russell sewed the wound in my neck shut "After the execution, we found more graffiti. Who knows what poison those escaped prisoners are spreading. One of them already killed Simone. If this continues, they are going to come for us. Right now, their rebellion is at a tipping point. Must crush it tonight. Get everything back to normal. When our people see all of us returned at once, they will fall to their knees. "

Madi "We should've killed you first. Once we're free, you will burn."

Me "Well, that's a little dramatic."

Madi yelled " You will all burn! You will not get rid of us! We are eternal!"

Russell " Guards, bring the doctors."

People walked in and calmed Madi down. 

I stood up. 

Abby, Jackson and Raven were here. Their jaws dropped when they saw me. 

Russell " How do you feel?"

I smiled "Peachy keen Josephine."

Abby looked at me in tears. 

I smiled "Oh, stop it. I'm not her."

Abby looked at Russell "I will kill you for this. "

Russell "I once believed that I would neve stray from the moral path, and then I killed my family in the first eclipse. I'd have done anything to bring them back. So I believe you. How many doses of the serum do you have?"

Jackson "4, including the one your people took to the machine shop for Simone. "

Russell "6 Primes must be resurrected tonight. That's two more doses."

Abby "Madi wouldn't survive that."

Russell " If it's too hard for you to continue, my healers will take your place. They're already familiar with the process.  It would be no trouble."

Abby shook her head " No. I can do it."

Russell nodded "Good. Remember, this was the deal that saved you from the pyre. I'd hate for that to change."

I grabbed my jacket and walked out with Russell. 

In the dining hall.

Russell "You must be starving. Let's get you something to eat. After that, I need you to handle the naming day preparations."

I shook my head " I'm not hungry and I just got back. Get Priya to do it. "

Russell "She's an engineer, not a party planner. "

Me "Have you been to one of my parties?"

Russell " Fine. I'll get Priya to do it."

I nodded "Good. Now, if I spend one more minute like this, I will spontaneously combust from the shame."

Russell " Go get cleaned up. I'll resurrect your mother."

Emori and Murphy were sitting at the table. 

She looked at me " Wait. Does that mean Echo's still alive? "

Murphy "What she's saying is now that anyone can be a Nightblood, maybe you use someone else?"

I rolled my eyes " Oh, stop your whining. Do you want to be immortal or not? Because if you become Primes and this revolution spreads, they're coming for you, too."

Then i looked at Russell " Hey, I want to be there when Mom comes back. Wait for me?"

Russell nodded, smiling " Of course, sweetheart. Be quick."

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