1.1 Melissa Kane

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I was lying on the metal ground of my cell. It's been 2 months now and i'm already sick of seeing these metal walls. 

I heard someone opening my door.

When I looked up and saw a guard standing there, leaning against the door frame. 

Guard "come on, Mel, Jaha wants to see you"

I stood up and walked through the open door. 

The guard grabbed my forearm.

I smirked "No reason to get this touchy"

He rolled his eyes and we walked out of the sky box and to the big main control room. The guard opened the door and i walked in. 

I saw Jaha and Abby sitting at the table.

 Jaha stood up when he saw me " Melissa, please, take a seat"

He gestured to a chair across from them at the table. 

I raised an eyebrow but sat down.

Then i I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest "Why am i here? Is it already time for me to float ?"

Jaha sat down and sighed. 

I raised an eyebrow, amused "Or have you found another way to get rid of me?"

Abby "You told us you wouldn't tell anybody about our current situation"

I nodded "And i meant it..."

They nodded relieved. 

Me ".. but that was before you locked me into that cell two months ago"

They sighed. 

I looked at Jaha "What could you possible want from me?"

Jaha "You know about our current problems, Melissa "

I nodded "Life sources on the Ark are shrinking drastically"

He nodded "We want to send people down to see if we could survive down there"

I raised an eyebrow "down where?"

They looked at each other. 

My eyes widened "Earth? Are you serious?"

Jaha sighed, shaking his head "we have no other choice"

Me "No one would be so stupid to go down there on that suicide mission. So who are the unlucky people you're sending down there to die?"

Jaha and Abby looked at each other. 

I shook my head  "Unbelievable! you are sending the prisoners down to save oxygen?.Why don't you just get it over with and float them all?"

Jaha "They're given a second chance. The second chance we're offering you"

Me "The only crime i did to get locked up for was to find out about this "problem""

Jaha stood up and slammed his hands on the table "How many times have i looked away when you and your little friends broke the law? "

I looked at the table. 

Jaha "Did i not look away when i found out that you knew about the existence of Octavia Blake ?"

I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest "They are gonna die down there"

Abby nodded "And that's why you are going with them"

I looked at her "I would rather float myself than to go down there - scratch that..i would rather float myself than to help you"

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