1.6 Acid Fog

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The sun was already starting to raise. I was walking around the camp. Everybody was still sleeping in their tents. Well, everybody except Atom. Bellamy had hung him up on a tree for hooking up with Octavia.

Suddenly i heard a voice behind me "You okay?"

I turned around and shook my head. 

 She walked to me and hugged me "What happened, Mel?"

I teared up and shook my head.

My walls were braking and i hated it. 

 First my mother and now Jasper.

I sobbed out "i can't"

Octavia asked worried and confused  "hey, hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?"

I looked at her "He killed her, O."

Octavia asked even more confused  "Who killed who? Mel, what are you talking about?"

I broke down "My father is the reason my mother is dead, Octavia, he killed her"

Octavia hugged me and i couldn't stop the tears.


I walked to Bellamy and Murphy. I flinched every time i heard Jasper scream in pain.

Bellamy to Murphy "You stay here. If the Grounders are around, we can't leave this place unprotected"

Murphy nodded "Fine. Somebody better tell goggle-boy to keep it shut"

Then he looked at me "And what's with you, Kitty?"

I looked at Bellamy "I wanna go hunting with you"

Bellamy shook his head  "no"

Me "Well, i wasn't asking"

He sighed and nodded "fine. Five minutes"

I nodded and walked into the drop ship. I climbed up the latter and heard Jasper scream again.

I grimaced "The hell?"

They looked at me.

Me "how is he?"

Clarke "The Grounders saved his life"

I nodded "good."

Then I looked at Wells "Can i talk to you for a sec?"

Wells nodded "sure"

He stood up and we walked away from the others. 

Wells "What do you need?"

Me "I just wanna say thank you for saving me form Murphy the other day"

He nodded "You're welcome"

I looked down. 

Wells "But that's not the only think you wanna talk about, right?"

Me "You said you knew the truth about what happened to my mother. I would appreciate it if you would tell me the truth....but only if you don't mind"

He nodded "i'll tell you what i know"

I nodded "thanks"

We walked back to the others. 

Me "In case i'm needed, I'm out with the guys on a hunting trip. See ya later "

 I turned to the ladder. 

Clarke stopped me "How's your wrist?"

I turned to her " The pain is still there but not as intense anymore"

She nodded and i climbed down the ladder and walked out of the ship. 

I saw Bellamy standing there and walked to him "Can we go now?"

He nodded and we walked out of the camp. Some of the boys were coming with us.


We stopped when we saw a wild boar.

Bellamy took his hand- axe out and whispered "She's mine"

Suddenly we heard something behind us. 

Bellamy reacted first and threw the axe at the thing behind us. 

Thankfully, it hit the tree instead of the little girl's head. 

I hissed  "What the hell are you doing here?"

The boar ran away and some of the guys followed it.

Bellamy "Who the hell are you?"

I walked to the tree and took the axe out.

The girl "Charlotte"

Bellamy "i almost killed you"

Atom was still here.

Bellamy "Why aren't you back at camp?"

Charlotte "Well, the guy who is dying, i just..i couldn't listen anymore"

Atom "There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl. "

Charlotte snapped "i'm not little"

I raised an eyebrow.

Bellamy nodded, amused "ok, then...but you can't hunt without a weapon. "

He handed her a knife.

Bellamy "Ever killed something before?"

She shook her head.

Bellamy "Who knows? Maybe you're good at it"

We started to walk again.


Suddenly i heard screams. 

I stopped walking and turned around. 

Me "Guys?"

I looked around. There was something yellow coming in our direction. 

Looked like yellow fog.

Bellamy asked confused "What is that?"

Atom walked closer to it and put his hand into the fog. 

He began to scream in pain. 

Bellamy yelled "Run!"

We started to run.

Me "We need to hide!"

Bellamy suddenly yelled "Mel, Charlotte in here!"

I turned to him. 

There was an open door. 

Charlotte and i ran inside. 

Bellamy closed the door just in time.

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