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Morning. In the rover. 

Raven " Becca's journal is amazing. At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind. That same year, she had to lock up A.L.I.E. because her answer for what was wrong with the world was too many people. She was 27 when it launched the bombs. "

Calrke "What did she write about the Flame? "

Raven "A.L.I.E. 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind, but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first, altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant."

Clarke " Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander. The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it? "

Raven "Yeah. "

Octavia "How did you know that? "

Clarke "Nightblood. That's where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That's why we have to find her. If she can access A.L.I.E. 2... "

Octavia "She can tell us how to stop A.L.I.E. 1."

Sinclair " Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement. "

Monty" Get back to the mind pathway. If A.L.I.E. uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive. "

Raven "That depends on your definition of "alive." "

Bellamy " Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We're almost home."

He said into the radio " Miller, come in. "

Static was heard. 

Bellamy "Harper, you there? Ride's two minutes out. "


Jasper "Good start. "

At Arkadia. 

Octavia, Bellamy, Monty and i were on our way to the gates with our guns while Sinclair was in the rover behind us because of Raven. 

Clarke "We left two days ago. Why haven't they fixed the gate? "

Jasper "Maybe because there's no one here to fix it. "

Raven " It's like a ghost town. "

Bell said into the radio "Miller, where the hell are you?"

I shook my head " I don't like this. "

Jasper "Maybe they got chipped. "

Sinclair "If they got chipped, they'd been waiting for us at the cave. "

Jasper "Maybe they saw the open gate, went in for Lincoln's book. "

Octavia "Maybe you should stop saying "maybe." "

Clarke "If they are chipped, A.L.I.E. already knows we're coming. "

We walked through the gate. 

I froze when i saw Lincoln's blood still on the ground. the body was gone though. 

Octavia couldn't take her eyes off of the blood. 

Then she clenched her jaw "Let's get his book and get the hell out of here."

Monty "That's a plan I can support. "

Clarke looked at us confused. 

I looked at Clarke "Lincoln. "

she nodded, understanding. 

We walked into the garage. 

the rover drove in. 

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