1.55 Escaping Home

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Next day. Morning.

Miller, Harper and i were in my apartment.

I heard a knock on the door. 

Miller opened it.

Bellamy walked inside with Monty following close behind.

Miller snapped "What do you want? What do you-"

Bellamy "Shh."

He took out a knife and Miller and Harper went for their guns.

I took a step to him, shocked "whoa, whoa, whoa, hey"

Bellamy "It's okay"

He cut open a part of Miller's jacket to reveal a microphone and Monty put it in a little plastic bag.

Monty "The bag blocks the signal. Now we can talk"

I was confused. 

Miller "who put it in there?"

Bellamy shook his head "That's not important right now. Pike just sentenced Lincoln and Sinclair to death.."

Then he looked at me with a sad look "... alongside Kane"

My stomach dropped and i shook my head "no"

Harper crossed her arms over her chest "are you trying to scare us?"

Monty shook his head "No. We are here to help. I'm sure you have a plan to break them out. What can we do?"

Harper "What are you talking about?"

Monty sighed "Harper, come on"

Bellamy "Look, we can help from the inside. To pull this off, we need people to hand them off to the outside"

Miller shook his head "We seriously don't know what you are talking about"

Monty asked pissed off  "you think we want them to die?"

Bellamy breathed in "you know what? Forget it. If my sister wants to save Lincoln's life, you tell her to meet at the Dropship in an hour"

He walked out.


I heard a knock on my door and opened it.

Then I sighed out relieved "Dad?"

I hugged him.

He hugged me back and  breathed out "you're okay"

I nodded and let go of him.

he walked inside.


Dad "Pike. We have five minutes"

I shook my head "i won't let this happen to you, Dad. I can't"

Dad "They don't know you are in this with me. Anyone caught helping us will be condemned to death, too"

I shook my head "Then i won't get caught"

Dad sighed "Look, I'm begging you. Don't do it. Our people need someone here. To show them the way out of the dark"

I breathed out shakily "i can't do this, Dad, not again.I was barely able to do it last time but then Bellamy helped but i don't have him with me anymore."

Dad pleaded "Please. Don't make this any harder than it is, Mel, please"

I shook my head and cracked out "Dad"

Dad "Your mother would be proud of you, like i'm proud of you now, Melissa."

I shook my head "i can't lose you, too, dad, please"

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