"Don't You Want Us To Survive?"

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At Arkadia. Two days later. 

Bellamy "We've been at this for two days. There must be something we're not thinking of. What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?"

Raven " I told you, the meltdown started months ago. There's no magic button to turn them off. Today this isn't black rain, but it will be soon. That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all 500 of us. "

I shook my head" This isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone. "

Raven" And that's why we need to tell everyone. Crowdsource it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the Grounders will know about it."

Bellamy " And you think they're just gonna tell us just like that? If we tell everybody they're gonna die, the coalition is over, Roan falls, and the Grounders will be at our gate. "

Raven: Then just tell our people. We need more minds on this problem. On the Ark, people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice... A choice your dad and your mom died for. "

I snapped "do you really think i forgot the reason behind my mother's death? huh? raven"

Bellamy stretched a hand out in front of me to hold me back ". We'll tell everybody the truth as soon as we have a viable solution. Without one, it'll start a panic. "

Rave "You don't know that. "

Monty "That's it."

Clarke " What are you talking about? "

Monty "Think. Alpha Station survived for 97 years in space through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar? All we have to do is patch up the ship. We're standing in our viable solution."

At the hanger bay. 

I walked over to Bellamy. 

Bellamy "Battery's full. If we're lucky, we won't have to stop to recharge. "

Me "Even luckier if Roan's seal will work the way it's supposed to. If you get in trouble, just show this. "

Bellamy "and you're not coming with us?"

Me "Clarke is already coming with you"

Bellamy "but i want you"

I rolled my eyes "What my dad said ..."

Bellamy sighed.

Me "with every time you save my ass you're doing better, you know that right"

He nodded "i know" 

I sighed "be careful Bellamy"

Bellamy nodded "i'm always careful"

I shook my head "no, you're not"

Bellamy nodded. 

Me "i am serious, Bellamy"

Bellamy nodded "i promise"

Then he looked at the rest "okay, let's go"

They got into the rover and drove away. 


I walked over to Raven who sent a couple guys away to do the repairs. 

Me "You ok? "

Raven "There is so much to do, and I get a total of 5 volunteers to help me fix the ship? That's a start. I can't run this repair alone, Clarke, even if I had complete mobility, even if Sinclair was still alive. Who... who the hell am I giving them orders? I'm... I'm not the Chief.

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