1.59 Provocation

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At the little shop.

Jasper parked the car in front of the shop we had been before when we were looking for Clarke. A woman walked out and then she took a sword out.

Clarke "i'll talk to her"

Bellamy "i'll go with you"

I nodded "me too"

Octavia opened the door and we got out.

She looked at Clarke "i thought you said she was a friend"

Clarke "We'll handle it. Just stay here"

We walked to the woman.

The woman looked at Clarke "Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda. "

Clarke asked confused "Niyhla, what's wrong?"

Sinclair carried Raven.

Calreke "is your father here?"

Niyhla "My father's dead, part of an army killed by your people wile trying to protect you. "

Bellamy looked down.

Clare "Niyhla, please"

Niyhla shook her head  "i said no"

Bellamy sighed "We haven't got time for this.Move. Move!"

He pointed a gun at her "get her in there"

Sinclair and the others carried Raven inside.

Monty "i told you my mom was here, if she was chipped, Allie would know "

Clarke "That's why we're bringing her in the back. Through there"

Sinclair put her on a bed. We had covered Rave's eyes.

Clarke "tie her up"

Raven started to fight again.

We took the blindfold off and Clarke and Jasper went to tie her to the bed.

Raven yelled "Where the hell am i?"

Sinclair "hold her !"

Raven yelled "Let me go!"

We all tried to hold her down. 

She punched Jasper in the face.

Jasper fell back, in pain. 

Monty "her hands!"

Jasper held his face "why is it always me?"

Clarke and Monty tied Raven's wrists to each side of the headboard.

Octavia "Sinclair, i need your help"

I nodded "go!"

Sinclair then helped Octavia with tying Raven's ankles to the bedends.

Raven screamed "ahh! let me go!"

Sinclair yelled "Step away!"

We all stepped away and looked at Raven.

She was screaming and trying to break free  "Let me go!uh! Let me go! Let me go. Let me go!"

I sighed and drove a hand through my hair. 

Then i walked to the main room and let Raven scream her lungs out.

Bellamy was aiming a weapon at Niyhla.

Clarke "how the hell do we get that thing out of her head?"

I looked at Monty "Monty?"

He nodded "working on it"

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