"We Didn't Save The World"

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I looked around "where's dad? "

They looked around, he was gone. 

Murphy stood up, ready to go after him. 

Me "Let him"

Murphy looked at me. 

Me "we have more important things to take care of "


Murphy "W-w-well, what about Ontari? I thought you said we had one shot with that thing. "

Clarke "I  told you, Ontari's no longer an option for the Flame. She's brain dead. Is the floor secure? "

Bellamy "For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom. "

Pike "We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. The stairs are collapsed. No one's following us. "

Clarke: Good. Then we have time. 

Murphy "What we don't have is a way down. "

Bellamy asked confused "Time for what? "

Me "An Ascension ceremony."

Murphy " Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Besides, she's still chipped, and we no longer have an EMP. "

Clarke ""We're not putting the Flame in Ontari's head. We're putting it in mine. "

Bellamy "Bellamy, that thing killed Emerson in seconds, liquefied his brain. Emerson wasn't connected to a Nightblood."

Pike asked confused " Transfusion? "

I nodded "Not exactly. "

Clarke "Connected like Mount Weather. "

I nodded "Yes. Everything we need is in your med kit."

Clarke shook his head " No. It's too dangerous, and there are too many variables. But no options. "

O rushed to us "Okay, well, whatever you're doing, you better do it fast."

Bell" Why? What happened? "

O "They're climbing."

We walked to the balcony. The people were starting to climb up the tower. 

Me "oh my god "


Me "We're all set. Ok. "

Clarke nodded. 

Me "You're ready? "

She nodded. 

I started the blood transfusion. 

Bellamy " Hey, try doing that hanging upside down."

Clarke " This will work. "

Me "and if it doesn't? "

Murphy" If it doesn't work, then she dies. If she doesn't try, then she dies with the rest of us when the climbers get here. If we're gonna do this, I need the Flame. "

Me "I'll do it myself. "

Then i walked behind Clarke with the flame "Clarke"

Clarke nodded "okay"

I held the flame to her neck " Ascende superius."

Clarke screamed in pain and blacked out. 

Me "Clarke?"

Her eyes opened " I know how to stop A.L.I.E. I have to take the chip. I have to go into the City of Light and find the kill switch. "

Muprhy "Yeah. That sounds like a great idea. "

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