"I Love You"

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On the ship. 

Niylah asked confused " Mel, Abby, what're you doing?"

Indra shook her head " That's not Mel and Abby."

I nodded "Very good. Seems we got our nightblood despite what I'm told what you did with Kane. Now you have three seconds to stand down."

Indra" Or what? If you kill them, we kill you. You didn't think this through. "

I cocked the gun "One... two..."

Gaia nodded her head a little. 

Indra " Weapons down now."

Everyone put their gun down. 

I smiled "Told you. Mel's memories may suck, but they do come in handy."

In the mess. 

We shoved them inside. people were already looking at us.

Indra "Just stay calm."

Abby "How many more of you are awake?"

Indra "None."

Abby "Are you sure? We'll sweep the ship. Anyone we find dies, and for each of them, so does one of you. Care to amend your answer?"

Indra "No."

Russell "Ok. You're their leader, so here's the situation. We're setting sail for planet Beta. It's a 20 year journey. You can take it with us peacefully in cryo..".

I whispered to Gaia while opening her cuffs "" Save Madi. I'll take care of the rest."

Russell" Or you can die, today. We'll give you an hour to decide."

Madi " Attack! "

People started to shoot at us but we killed them. 

I walked over to Madi " No one gives orders here but us."

Then i slapped her. 

i looked around before scoffing " Uch, let them rot. Come on we have things to discuss."

Russell looked at his guards " Lock it up."


Russell"Devotion like that is dangerous. They obeyed her even though they knew that they would die."

Man" Just wait. Planet Beta... Russell, we don't even know if it's survivable."

Russell" If it isn't we go for Gamma, then Delta, then Epsilon. We won't even have to land to find out if it's survivable. Assuming there are no other signal-sucking anomalies, we can access the mind drives of the teams wirelessly from up here. Come on, we were explorers once, weren't we?"

Abby "Russell, I love you and I will go with you across the stars and back, but you're right. That child is a problem."

I rolled my eyes "Oh for god's sake, she has the blood. In fact, dibs on her as my next host."

Russell " Simone, if we kill their leader, they will never follow us, and we need those people to serve us unless you plan on cleaning latrines."

Abby nodded "Fine. Then we kill her sleeping army because I promise you they are already talking about how to wake them. We brought enough mind wiping fluid to erase them all in their sleep, where they'll be perfectly preserved until one of us needs a new host."

Miranda" We'll never even have to know them."

Russel nodded " Fine, but then it's on to Beta. Agreed? Josie, what say you?"

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