1.13 Different Things

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Raven looked at me but i shook my head.

She said into the radio "no, it's not her"

I gave her a thankful smile and she nodded. 

Then I looked around, confused  "what happened?"

Clarke "They found Ocatvia but Finn got stabbed in the ribs"

I saw him laying behind her on the metal table "Will he make it?"

She sighed "I'm doing my best"

I nodded.

Clarke "They brought a Grounder with them. The one who kidnapped Octavia. They're upstairs"

I nodded and climbed up the ladder.

I was freezing, it was cold.

Then I climbed onto the second level. 

There was a guy hung up. 

Well, his arms and legs were chained apart.

Bellamy walked to me and eyed my soaked through body "and where the hell have you been?"

Me "you guys took too long, i got worried and started to look for you. "

He took his jacket off and gave it to me "alone? I told you tha-"

I put his jacket on, groaning annoyed  "Could you please spare me the whole "i told you to.. blah blah blah" speech? thanks"

He nodded. 

I took the booze out of Jones' hand and took a long sip of the bottle "What is he doing here?"

Then I nodded at the Grounder.

Bellamy "We're about to get some information. Octavia told me he protected her. "

I glared at Bellamy "And yet he's here, chained up like a wild animal"

He looked at me. 

Me "What lies did you tell her? hm? i bet if she knew about her protector's current situation then she would be going nuts, Bellamy"

Bellamy "I'm doing all of this for us, Melissa"

I looked at the Grounder, blood was all over his mouth and nose. They had beaten him up. 

Then I grabbed Bellamy's wrist and looked at his hand. 

He was holding some kind of hook.   

I growled pissed off "you can't be serious"

Then i dropped his hand. 

Bellamy "it's for Finn and Jasper and Diggs and John and Roma"

I shook my head "no, it's not"

Bellamy "this is for them, Melissa, and you know that"

I shook my head, scoffing  "You're unbelievable"

Bellamy "We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. "

I shook my head. 

Bellamy clenched his jaw "And he's gonna tell us right now"

I walked closer to the Grounder and looked into his eyes.

Then i kneeled down in front of him and whispered "it was you, wasn't it? you were the one who saved me earlier"

He just looked at me.

Bellamy asked confused  "What are you talking about, Melissa?"

I didn't say anything. 

Bellamy raised his voice  "Melissa!"

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