Years Later

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Years later. 

I looked at dad who was standing in the middle of the fighting ring. 

Octavia looked down at him. 

Gaia "Each of you has committed crimes against Wonkru. Win the fight, save your life. Bring in the next combatants.Each of these 4 combatants have committed crimes against Wonkru. They are our enemies... traitors to our people, traitors to our code of strength, unity, and honor... but today one of you will be given a chanceto once again be called brother or sister. However, first, you must survive.The only rule in thisarena is, be the last. As always, as we invite death into this hall, we honor it."

Everyone went silent minute. 

She said " Omon gon oson. Be the last."

Suddenly they started to fight each other. 

One was already dead. 

Dad was holding up pretty good. 

another one was down. 

Jackson rushed to me "Where the hell is Abby?"

I shook my head "i don't know"

Then i looked back at the ring. 

Dad had a wound on his back. 

Me "come on, dad!"

Dad grabbed the ax and bashed the guy's head on.

I breathed our relieved. 

He won. 

Skikru boo-ed him. 

Me "He's losing them."

Miller nodded "mhmm"

Gaia  "Marcus Kane, in stealing life-giving medicine from Wonkru, you have committed a crime against our people, but you are the last. Has he earned his freedom, Blodreina?"

Octavia stood up " No. He fights again tomorrow."

Then she walked away. 

I looked at her shocked "what? no!"

The Grounders cheered. 

Next day. 

Gaia "As we invite death into this hall, we honor it.Omon gon oson.And, as always, be the last."

Dad just stood there. doing nothing. 

his enemy "What is this? Choose your weapon."

Kane just looked at Octavia. 

The guy punched Kane "Fight me, damn you,or neither of us will get out of here alive"

He sliced open dad's thigh. 

the Grounders were cheering like crazy. 

Dad shook his head "I will not fight you."

He looked at Octavia " I will not kill this man."

Octavia stood up and took her cape off. 

Dad "Somehow we allowed justice to become vengeance and vengeance to become sport, and I allowed that, that darkness to rise... But my complicity ends today."

Octavia stepped into the ring " You are Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose."

Dad "I already have."

O grabbed her sword and kicked dad in the leg, making him fall back "Get up.
Come on, Kane. Where is your survival instinct?"

Dad "Saving my people is about more than keeping them alive. It's not too late."

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